Gunyana 16, 2014


The First Letter to the Corinthians 12: 12-14, 27-31

12:12 Nokuti sezvo muviri uri mumwe, asi ane mitezo mizhinji, saizvozvo mitezo yose yomuviri, kunyange vari vazhinji, muviri mumwe chete. Ndizvo zvakaitawo Kristu.

12:13 Uye zvechokwadi, muMweya mumwe chete, isu tose takabhabhatidzwa mumuviri mumwe, vangava vaJudha kana vaHedheni, angava muranda kana akasununguka. uye tose takamwa muMweya mumwe.

12:14 Zvemuviri, zvakare, haisi chikamu chimwe chete, asi vazhinji.

12:27 Zvino wava muviri waKristu, uye zvikamu zvakafanana nechero chikamu.

12:28 Uye zvechokwadi, Mwari vakagadzira imwe hurongwa muKereke: kutanga vaApostora, vaprofita vechipiri, yechitatu Vadzidzisi, vanotevera zvishamiso, uyezve nyasha dzekuporesa, yekubatsira vamwe, zvekutonga, marudzi akasiyana emitauro, nokududzirwa kwamashoko.

12:29 Vose vaApostora? Vose Vaprofita? Vose Vadzidzisi?

12:30 Vose vanoita zvishamiso? Ivai vose vane nyasha dzekuporesa? Vose vanotaura nendimi? Itai mose kududzira?

12:31 Asi shingairira zvipo zviri nani. Uye ndinokuratidzai imwezve nzira yakanakisa.

Vhangeri Dzvene Maererano naRuka 7: 11-17

7:11 And it happened afterwards that he went to a city, which is called Nain. Uye vadzidzi vake, and an abundant crowd, went with him.
7:12 Zvadaro, when he had drawn near to the gate of the city, tarirai, a deceased person was being carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the city was with her.
7:13 And when the Lord had seen her, being moved by mercy over her, akati kwaari, “Do not weep.”
7:14 And he drew near and touched the coffin. Then those who carried it stood still. Iye akati, “Young man, ndinoti kwamuri, arise.”
7:15 And the dead youth sat up and began to speak. And he gave him to his mother.
7:16 Then fear fell over all of them. And they magnified God, achiti: “For a great prophet has risen up among us,” uye, “For God has visited his people.”
7:17 And this word about him went out to all of Judea and to the entire surrounding region.


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