December 10, 2011, İncil

Mattaya görə Müqəddəs İncil 17: 9-13

17:9 Onlar dağdan enərkən, İsa onlara göstəriş verdi, deyərək, “Vizyon haqqında heç kimə demə, Bəşər Oğlu ölülər arasından dirilənə qədər».
17:10 And his disciples questioned him, deyərək, “Why then do the scribes say that it is necessary for Elijah to arrive first?”
17:11 Amma cavab olaraq, onlara dedi: “Elijah, həqiqətən, shall arrive and restore all things.
17:12 Amma sizə deyirəm, that Elijah has already arrived, and they did not recognize him, but they did whatever they wanted to him. So also shall the Son of man suffer from them.”
17:13 Then the disciples understood that he had spoken to them about John the Baptist.



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