fevral 18, 2012, İncil

Marka görə Müqəddəs İncil 9: 2-13

9:2 And his vestments became radiant and exceedingly white like snow, with such a brilliance as no fuller on earth is able to achieve.
9:3 And there appeared to them Elijah with Moses; and they were speaking with Jesus.
9:4 Və cavab olaraq, Peter said to Jesus: “Ustad, burada olmağımız yaxşıdır. And so let us make three tabernacles, sizin üçün bir, and one for Moses, bir də İlyas üçün”.
9:5 For he did not know what he was saying. For they were overwhelmed by fear.
9:6 And there was a cloud overshadowing them. And a voice came from the cloud, deyərək: “This is my most beloved Son. Ona qulaq asın”.
9:7 Və dərhal, ətrafa baxmaq, they no longer saw anyone, except Jesus alone with them.
9:8 Onlar dağdan enərkən, he instructed them not to relate to anyone what they had seen, until after the Son of man will have risen again from the dead.
9:9 And they kept the word to themselves, arguing about what “after he will have risen from the dead” might mean.
9:10 And they questioned him, deyərək: “Then why do the Pharisees and the scribes say that Elijah must arrive first?”
9:11 Və cavab olaraq, onlara dedi: “Elijah, when he will arrive first, shall restore all things. And in the manner that it has been written about the Son of man, so must he suffer many things and be condemned.
9:12 Amma sizə deyirəm, that Elijah also has arrived, (and they have done to him whatever they wanted) just as it has been written about him.”
9:13 And approaching his disciples, he saw a great crowd surrounding them, and the scribes were arguing with them.


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