Kurume 25, 2024

Isaya 42: 1- 7

42:1Behold my servant, I will uphold him, my elect, with him my soul is well-pleased. I have sent my Spirit upon him. He will offer judgment to the nations.
42:2He will not cry out, and he will not show favoritism to anyone; neither will his voice be heard abroad.
42:3The bruised reed he will not break, and the smoldering wick he will not extinguish. He will lead forth judgment unto truth.
42:4He will not be saddened or troubled, until he establishes judgment on earth. And the islands will await his law.
42:5Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha, who created the heavens and expanded it, who formed the earth and all that springs from it, who gives breath to the people in it, and spirit to those walking on it.
42:6I, Ishe, have called you in justice, and I have taken your hand and preserved you. And I have presented you as a covenant of the people, as a light to the Gentiles,
42:7so that you may open the eyes of the blind, and lead out the prisoner from confinement and those sitting in darkness from the house of incarceration.

Johani 12: 1- 11

12:1Zvino mazuva matanhatu Paseka isati yasvika, Jesu akaenda kuBhetania, kwakanga kwafira Razaro, avo Jesu waakamutsa.
12:2Ipapo vakamuitira chirayiro ipapo. Uye Marita waishandira. Uye zvechokwadi, Razaro akanga ari mumwe wavakanga vagere naye pakudya.
12:3Ipapo Maria akatora zviyero gumi nezviviri zvemafuta enadhi omene omene;, inokosha zvikuru, uye akazodza tsoka dzaJesu, akapusika tsoka dzake nebvudzi rake. Zvino imba yakazadzwa nekunhuwira kwemafuta.
12:4Ipapo mumwe wavadzidzi vake, Judhasi Iskarioti, uyo akanga ava kuzomupandukira, akadaro,
12:5Mafuta awa aregerei kutengeswa nemadhenari* mazana matatu, akapiwa varombo??”
12:6Zvino akataura izvi, kwete nokuda kwokuitira hanya vanoshayiwa, asi nokuti akanga ari mbavha uye, sezvo akanga akabata chikwama, aitakura zvaiiswamo.
12:7Asi Jesu akati: “Mubvumire, kuti azvichengete kusvikira pazuva rokuvigwa kwangu.
12:8Kuvarombo, unewe nguva dzose. Asi ini, hauna nguva dzose.”
12:9Zvino chaunga chikuru chevaJudha chakaziva kuti uripo, vakauya saizvozvo, kwete zvikuru nokuda kwaJesu, asi kuti vaone Razaro, vaakamutsa kubva kuvakafa.
12:10Vaprista vakuru vakaronga kuuraya naRazarowo.
12:11Kune vazhinji vevaJudha, nokuda kwake, vakanga vachienda uye vakatenda kuna Jesu.