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Our mission is to serve and evangelize our faith and defend it through reason. Doing anything with your private information would be against that faith and our purpose.

Daily Readings Email Signup

Register to receive the Catholic Church’s Daily Mass Readings. Vaš e-poštni naslov je pri nas varen. Ne bomo ga uporabljali za noben drug namen, niti ga ne bomo distribuirali. Pošiljali bomo le evangelij in berilo(s) vsak dan. Bog te blagoslovi!

"*" označuje zahtevana polja

Izberite svoj jezik zgoraj. We plan to add a feature that translates the daily readingsvia automatic Google Translationto the language of your choice.
To polje je za namene preverjanja veljavnosti in ga pustite nespremenjeno.

avtorske pravice 2010 – 2023