aprila 11, 2014


The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah 20: 10-13

20:10 For I heard the insults of many, and terror all around: ‘Persecute him!' in, ‘Let us persecute him!’ from all the men who had been at peace with me and who had kept watch by my side. ‘If only there were some way that he might be deceived, and we might prevail against him and obtain vengeance from him!'
20:11 But the Lord is with me, like a strong warrior. Zaradi tega razloga, those who persecute me will fall, and they will be ineffective. They will be greatly confounded. For they have not understood the everlasting disgrace that will never be wiped away.
20:12 In ti, O Lord of hosts, the Tester of the just, who sees the temperament and the heart: I beg you to let me see your vengeance upon them. For I have revealed my case to you.
20:13 Sing to the Lord! Praise the Lord! For he has freed the soul of the poor from the hand of the wicked.


The Holy Gospel According to John 10: 31-42

10:31 Zato, Judje so pograbili kamenje, da bi ga kamenjal.
10:32 Jezus jim je odgovoril: »Pokazal sem vam veliko dobrih del svojega Očeta. Za katerega od teh del me kamnate?”
10:33 Judje so mu odgovorili: »Ne kamenjamo vas zaradi dobrega dela, ampak za bogokletje in ker, čeprav si moški, narediš se za Boga.«
10:34 Jezus jim je odgovoril: »Ali ni zapisano v vaši zakonodaji, 'Rekel sem: vi ste bogovi?'
10:35 Če je za bogove imenoval tiste, ki jim je bila dana božja beseda, in Svetega pisma ni mogoče zlomiti,
10:36 zakaj praviš, o njem, ki ga je Oče posvetil in poslal na svet, 'Bognili ste,' ker sem rekel, 'Jaz sem Božji sin?'
10:37 Če ne delam del svojega Očeta, ne verjemite vame.
10:38 Če pa jih naredim, tudi če nočeš verjeti vame, verjemite delom, da boste spoznali in verovali, da je Oče v meni, in jaz sem v Očetu.«
10:39 Zato, skušali so ga prijeti, pa jim je ušel iz rok.
10:40 In spet je šel čez Jordan, na tisti kraj, kjer je Janez najprej krstil. In tam se je nastanil.
10:41 In mnogi so šli k njemu. In so govorili: "Prav zares, Janez ni dosegel nobenih znakov.
10:42 Toda vse, kar je Janez rekel o tem človeku, je bilo res.« In mnogi so verjeli vanj.


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