avgusta 20, 2014


The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel 34: 1-11

34:1 In Gospodova beseda je prišla k meni, govoriti:
34:2 »Sin človekov, prophesy about the shepherds of Israel. Prophesy, and you shall say to the shepherds: Thus says the Lord God: Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Should not the flocks be fed by the shepherds?
34:3 You consumed the milk, and you covered yourselves with the wool, and you killed what was fattened. But my flock you did not feed.
34:4 What was weak, you have not strengthened, and what was sick, you have not healed. What was broken, you have not bound, and what was cast aside, you have not led back again, and what was lost, you have not sought. Namesto tega, you ruled over them with severity and with power.
34:5 And my sheep were scattered, because there was no shepherd. And they became devoured by all the wild beasts of the field, and they were dispersed.
34:6 My sheep have wandered to every mountain and to every exalted hill. And my flocks have been scattered across the face of the earth. And there was no one who sought them; there was no one, pravim, who sought them.
34:7 Zaradi tega, O shepherds, listen to the word of the Lord:
34:8 As I live, pravi Gospod Bog, since my flocks have become a prey, and my sheep have been devoured by all the wild beasts of the field, since there was no shepherd, for my shepherds did not seek my flock, but instead the shepherds fed themselves, and they did not feed my flocks:
34:9 zaradi tega, O shepherds, listen to the word of the Lord:
34:10 Thus says the Lord God: Glej, I myself will be over the shepherds. I will require my flock at their hand, and I will cause them to cease, so that they no longer refrain from feeding the flock. Neither will the shepherds feed themselves any more. And I will deliver my flock from their mouth; and it will no longer be food for them.
34:11 For thus says the Lord God: Glej, I myself will seek my sheep, and I myself will visit them.


Sveti evangelij po Mateju 20: 1-16

20:1 »Nebeško kraljestvo je kakor oče družine, ki je šel zgodaj zjutraj, da bi vodil delavce v svoj vinograd.
20:2 Potem, po dogovoru z delavci za en denar na dan, jih je poslal v svoj vinograd.
20:3 In odhod okoli tretje ure, videl je druge, ki so brez dela stali na trgu.
20:4 In rekel jim je, »Lahko greš v moj vinograd, preveč, in kar ti bom dal, bo pravično.«
20:5 Tako so šli naprej. Ampak spet, okoli šestega je šel ven, in okoli devete ure, in je ravnal podobno.
20:6 Pa vendar resnično, okoli enajste ure, šel je ven in našel druge stoječe, in jim je rekel, »Zakaj si stal tukaj brez dela ves dan?'
20:7 Pravijo mu, 'Ker nas ni nihče najel,' jim je rekel, Tudi ti lahko greš v moj vinograd.
20:8 In ko je prišel večer, je rekel gospodar vinograda svojemu upravitelju, »Pokličite delavce in jim izplačajte plačo, začenši od zadnjega, tudi do prvega.«
20:9 In tako, ko so prišli tisti, ki so prišli okoli enajste ure, vsak je prejel en denar.
20:10 Potem, ko so se oglasili tudi prvi, so menili, da bodo prejeli več. Ampak oni, preveč, dobil en denarij.
20:11 In ob prejemu, so godrnjali proti očetu družine,
20:12 govoriti, »Zadnji so delali eno uro, in si jih izenačil z nami, ki je delal, prenašajoč težo in vročino dneva.«
20:13 Toda odgovor na enega od njih, rekel je: 'Prijatelj, Nisem ti povzročil nobene škode. Ali se nisi strinjal z mano za en denarij??
20:14 Vzemi, kar je tvojega, in pojdi. Toda moja volja je dati temu zadnjemu, tako kot tebi.
20:15 In ali ni zakonito, da delam, kar hočem? Ali pa je tvoje oko hudobno, ker sem jaz dober?'
20:16 Torej, zadnji bodo prvi, in prvi bo zadnji. Kajti mnogi se imenujejo, le malo pa je izbranih.«


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