junija 4, 2015


Tobit 6: 10- 11, 7: 1, 9- 17, 8: 4- 9

6:10 And Tobias said to him, “Where do you prefer that we stay?”

6:11 And the Angel, odzivanje, rekel: “Here is one named Raguel, a man closely related to you from your tribe, and he has a daughter named Sarah, but he has no other male or female, except her.

7:1 And so they went to Raguel, and Raguel received them with gladness.

7:9 In tako, after they had spoken, Raguel instructed a sheep to be killed, and a feast to be prepared. And when he exhorted them to recline for dinner,

7:10 Tobias said, “Here, today, I will not eat or drink, unless you first confirm my petition, and promise to give Sarah your daughter to me.”

7:11 When Raguel heard this word, he became afraid, knowing what had befallen those seven men, who had approached her. And he began to fear, lest it might happen to him also in the same way. in, since he wavered and gave no further response to the petition,

7:12 the Angel said to him: “Do not be afraid to give her to this one, because this one fears God. He is obliged to be joined to your daughter. Zaradi tega, no other one could have her.”

7:13 Then Raguel said: “I do not doubt that God has admitted my prayers and tears before his sight.

7:14 And I believe, torej, that he has caused you to come to me, so that this one might be joined in marriage to one of her own kindred, according to the law of Moses. In zdaj, do not continue to doubt that I will give her to you.”

7:15 And taking the right hand of his daughter, he gave it into the right hand of Tobias, govoriti, “May the God of Abraham, in Izakov Bog, and the God of Jacob be with you. And may he join you together in marriage and fulfill his blessing in you.”

7:16 And taking paper, they made a written record of the marriage.

7:17 In po tem, they feasted, blessing God

8:4 Then Tobias exhorted the virgin, and he said to her: “Sarah, get up and let us pray to God this day, and tomorrow, and the following day. Za, during these three nights, we are being joined to God. In potem, when the third night has passed, we ourselves will be joined together.

8:5 Za zagotovo, we are the children of the saints, and we must not be joined together in such a manner as the heathens, who are ignorant of God.”

8:6 In tako, rising up together, they both prayed earnestly, at the same time, that health might be given to them.

8:7 And Tobias said: »Gospod, the God of our fathers, may the heavens and the earth bless you, and the sea, and the fountains, and the rivers, and all your creatures that are in them.

8:8 You formed Adam from the mud of the earth, and you gave Eve to him as a helper.

8:9 In zdaj, O Gospod, you know that I take my sister in conjugal union, not by reason of worldly pleasure, but solely for the love of posterity, in which your name may be blessed forever and ever.”


The Holy Gospel According to Mark 12: 28-34

12:28 In eden od pisarjev, ki ju je slišal prepirati, se mu približala. In ko je videl, da jim je dobro odgovoril, vprašal ga je, katera je prva od vseh zapovedi.
12:29 In Jezus mu je odgovoril: »Kajti prva od vseh zapovedi je ta: 'Poslušaj, Izrael. Gospod, tvoj Bog, je en sam Bog.
12:30 In ljubil boš Gospoda, svojega Boga, iz vsega svojega srca, in iz vse svoje duše, in iz vsega svojega uma, in iz vse svoje moči. To je prva zapoved.«
12:31 Toda drugi je temu podoben: Ljubi svojega bližnjega kakor samega sebe. Ni druge zapovedi, večje od teh.«
12:32 In pisar mu je rekel: Dobro povedano, učiteljica. Povedal si resnico, da je en Bog, in ni drugega poleg njega;
12:33 in da ga je treba ljubiti iz vsega srca, in iz celotnega razumevanja, in iz cele duše, in iz vse moči. In ljubiti svojega bližnjega kot samega sebe je večje od vseh holokavstov in žrtev.«
12:34 In Jezus, ko je videl, da se je odzval modro, mu rekel, "Nisi daleč od Božjega kraljestva." In po tem, nihče si ga ni upal vprašati.



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