May 28, 2015


Sirah 42: 15- 25

42:15 In zdaj, I will remember the works of the Lord, and I will announce what I have seen. The words of the Lord are in his works.

42:16 The sun illuminates and considers all things, and its work shows the fullness of the glory of the Lord.

42:17 Has not the Lord caused the holy ones to describe all his miracles, which the all-powerful Lord has firmly established in his glory?

42:18 He has examined the abyss and the hearts of men. And he has considered their astuteness.

42:19 For the Lord comprehends all knowledge, and he has gazed upon the signs of the times: announcing the things of the past, as well as the things of the future, and revealing the traces of hidden things.

42:20 No thought passes by him unnoticed, and no word can conceal itself from him.

42:21 He has adorned the magnificent works of his wisdom. He is before eternity and even unto eternity. And nothing can be added,

42:22 and nothing can be taken away. And he has no need of any counselor.

42:23 O how desirable are all his works! And all that we consider is but a spark.

42:24 All these works exist, and they remain in the present age, and they all obey him in every purpose.

42:25 All things are two-fold, one facing another, and he has not made anything to be lacking.


Mark 10: 46- 52

10:46 In šli so v Jeriho. In ko se je odpravljal iz Jerihe s svojimi učenci in zelo veliko množico, Bartimej, Timajev sin, slepec, sedel in beračil ob poti.

10:47 In ko je slišal, da je Jezus iz Nazareta, je začel vpiti in govoriti, »Jezus, Davidov sin, usmili se me.”

10:48 In mnogi so ga opominjali, naj bo tiho. A je še toliko bolj vpil, »Davidov sin, usmili se me.”

10:49 In Jezus, stati pri miru, naročil, naj ga pokličejo. In poklicali so slepega, rekel mu: »Bodi v miru. Vstani. On te kliče.”

10:50 In odvrgel svojo obleko, je skočil in šel k njemu.

10:51 In v odgovor, Jezus mu je rekel, "Kaj hočeš, kar bi moral narediti zate?« In slepec mu je rekel, »Mojster, da lahko vidim.”

10:52 Tedaj mu je rekel Jezus, »Pojdi, tvoja vera te je rešila.” In takoj je videl, in sledil mu je na poti


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