September 12, 2014


Prvo pismo Korinčanom 9: 16-19, 22-27

9:16 For if I preach the Gospel, it is not glory for me. For an obligation has been laid upon me. And woe to me, if I do not preach the Gospel.

9:17 For if I do this willingly, I have a reward. But if I do this reluctantly, a dispensation is granted to me.

9:18 And what, potem, would be my reward? torej, when preaching the Gospel, I should give the Gospel without taking, so that I may not misuse my authority in the Gospel.

9:19 For when I was a free man to all, I made myself the servant of all, so that I might gain all the more.

9:22 To the weak, I became weak, so that I might gain the weak. To all, I became all, so that I might save all.

9:23 And I do everything for the sake of the Gospel, so that I may become its partner.

9:24 Do you not know that, of those who run in a race, all of them, seveda, are runners, but only one achieves the prize. podobno, you must run, so that you may achieve.

9:25 And one who competes in a contest abstains from all things. And they do this, seveda, so that they may achieve a corruptible crown. But we do this, so that we may achieve what is incorruptible.

9:26 And so I run, but not with uncertainty. And so I fight, but not by flailing in the air.

9:27 Namesto tega, I chastise my body, so as to redirect it into servitude. V nasprotnem primeru, I might preach to others, but become myself an outcast.


Luka 6: 39-42

6:39 Zdaj jim je povedal še eno primerjavo: »Kako lahko slepi vodi slepega? Ali ne bi oba padla v jamo?

6:40 Učenec ni nad svojim učiteljem. Toda vsak bo izpopolnjen, če je kot njegov učitelj.

6:41 In zakaj vidiš slamico v očesu svojega brata, medtem ko je klada v lastnem očesu, ne upoštevaš?

6:42 Ali kako lahko rečeš svojemu bratu, 'Brat, dovolite mi, da odstranim slamico iz vašega očesa,’ medtem ko sam ne vidiš polena v svojem očesu? Hinavec, najprej odstrani klado iz lastnega očesa, in potem boš jasno videl, da izvlečeš slamico iz bratovega očesa.



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