May 3, 2014


The First Letter of Saint Paul to the Conrinthians 15: 1-8

15:1 And so I make known to you, bratje, the Gospel that I preached to you, which you also received, and on which you stand.
15:2 By the Gospel, preveč, you are being saved, if you hold to the understanding that I preached to you, lest you believe in vain.
15:3 For I handed on to you, najprej, what I also received: that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures;
15:4 and that he was buried; and that he rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures;
15:5 and that he was seen by Cephas, and after that by the eleven.
15:6 Next he was seen by more than five hundred brothers at one time, many of whom remain, even to the present time, although some have fallen asleep.
15:7 Naslednji, he was seen by James, then by all the Apostles.
15:8 In nazadnje, he was seen also by me, as if I were someone born at the wrong time.


The Holy Gospel According to John 14: 6-14

14:6 Jezus mu je rekel: »Jaz sem pot, in Resnica, in Življenje. Nihče ne pride k Očetu, razen preko mene.
14:7 Če bi me poznal, gotovo bi poznali tudi mojega Očeta. In od zdaj naprej, spoznal ga boš, in videl si ga.”
14:8 mu je rekel Filip, »Gospod, razodeva nam Očeta, in nama je dovolj.«
14:9 Jezus mu je rekel: »Tako dolgo sem s teboj, in nisi me poznal? Filip, kdor me vidi, vidi tudi Očeta. Kako lahko rečeš, 'Razodeni nam Očeta?'
14:10 Ali ne verjameš, da sem jaz v Očetu in Oče v meni? Besede, ki vam jih govorim, Ne govorim iz sebe. Toda Oče, ki ostaja v meni, opravlja ta dela.
14:11 Ali ne verjameš, da sem jaz v Očetu in Oče v meni?
14:12 Drugače, verjeti zaradi teh istih del. Amen, amen, pravim vam, kdor vame veruje, bo dela, ki jih jaz opravljam, tudi opravljal. In storil bo večje reči od teh, ker grem k Očetu.
14:13 In kar koli boste prosili Očeta v mojem imenu, da bom naredil, da bi bil Oče poveličan v Sinu.
14:14 Če me karkoli vprašate v mojem imenu, da bom naredil.


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