August 3, 2014


Isaija 55: 1-3

55:1 Intom ilkoll li għatxan, ejja l-ilmijiet. U int li m’għandek l-ebda flus: għaġġel, tixtri u tiekol. Approċċ, jixtru l-inbid u l-ħalib, bla flus u bla tpartit.

55:2 Għaliex tonfoq flus għal dak li mhux ħobż, u tonfoq ix-xogħol tiegħek għal dak li ma jissodisfax? Isma’ mill-qrib ħafna lili, u tiekol dak li hu tajjeb, u allura ruħek tkun ferħana b’kejl sħiħ.

55:3 Inklina widnejk u ersaq qrib lejja. Isma’, u ruħek tgħix. U jien se nagħmel patt ta’ dejjem miegħek, bil-ħniena fidila ta’ David.

It-Tieni Qari

Rumani 8: 35, 37-39

8:35 Imbagħad min se jifridna mill-imħabba ta’ Kristu? Tribulazzjoni? Jew dieqa? Jew ġuħ? Jew għerja? Jew periklu? Jew persekuzzjoni? Jew ix-xabla?

8:37 Imma f’dawn l-affarijiet kollha negħlbu, minħabba dak li ħabbna.

8:38 Għax jien ċert li la l-mewt, lanqas il-ħajja, lanqas Anġli, u lanqas Prinċipalitajiet, u lanqas Setgħat, lanqas l-affarijiet preżenti, lanqas l-affarijiet futuri, lanqas saħħa,

8:39 lanqas l-għoli, lanqas il-fond, lanqas xi ħaġa oħra maħluqa, ikun jista’ jifridna mill-imħabba ta’ Alla, li hu fi Kristu Ġesù Sidna.


Mattew 14: 13-21

14:13 When Jesus had heard it, he withdrew from there by boat, to a deserted place by himself. And when the crowds had heard of it, they followed him on foot from the cities.

14:14 U joħorġu, he saw a great multitude, and he took pity on them, and he cured their sick.

14:15 And when evening had arrived, his disciples approached him, qal: “This is a deserted place, and the hour has now passed. Dismiss the crowds, biex b'hekk, by going into the towns, they may buy food for themselves.”

14:16 Imma Ġesù qalilhom: “They have no need to go. Give them something to eat yourselves.”

14:17 Huma wieġbuh, “We have nothing here, except five loaves and two fish.”

14:18 Qalilhom, “Bring them here to me.”

14:19 And when he had ordered the multitude to sit down upon the grass, he took the five loaves and the two fish, and gazing up to heaven, he blessed and broke and gave the bread to the disciples, and then the disciples to the multitudes.

14:20 U kollha kielu u kienu sodisfatti. And they took up the remnants: twelve baskets full of fragments.

14:21 Now the number of those who ate was five thousand men, besides women and children


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