July 8, 2014

The Book of the Prophet Hosea 8: 4-7, 11-13

8:4They have reigned, but not by me. Leaders have emerged, and I did not recognize them. Their silver and their gold, they have made into idols for themselves, so that they might cross over.
8:5Your calf, Samaria, has been rejected. My fury has been enraged against them. How long will they be incapable of being cleansed?
8:6For it is itself also from Israel: a workman made it, and it is not God. For the calf of Samaria will be used for the webs of spiders.
8:7For they will sow wind and reap a whirlwind. It does not have a firm stalk; the bud will yield no grain. But if it does yield, strangers will eat it.
8:11For Ephraim multiplied altars to sin, and sanctuaries have become an offense for him.
8:12I will write to him my intricate laws, which have been treated like strangers.
8:13They will offer victims, they will immolate flesh and will eat, and the Lord will not accept them. For now he will remember their iniquity, and he will repay their sins: they will be turned back to Egypt.

L-Evanġelju Qaddis Skont Mattew 9: 32-38

9:32U marru Kafarnahum. U meta kienu fid-dar, staqsiehom, “X’ddiskutejt fit-triq?”
9:33Imma kienu siekta. Għal tabilħaqq, fit-triq, kienu ddiskutew bejniethom dwar min minnhom kien akbar.
9:34U bilqiegħda, sejjaħ lit-tnax, u qalilhom, “Jekk xi ħadd irid ikun l-ewwel, hu jkun l-aħħar ta’ kulħadd u l-ministru ta’ kulħadd.”
9:35U tieħu tifel, poġġewh f’nofshom. U meta kien ħaddan lilu, qalilhom:
9:36“Kull min jirċievi tifel bħal dan f’ismi, jilqagħni. U min jilqagħni, ma jirċievix lili, imma dak li bagħatni.”
9:37John wieġbu billi qal, “Għalliem, rajna lil xi ħadd ikeċċi d-demonji f’ismek; ma jimxix warajna, u għalhekk ipprojbejtuh.”
9:38Imma Ġesù qal: “Projbixxihx. Għax m’hemm ħadd li jista’ jaġixxi bil-virtù f’ismi u malajr jitkellem ħażen dwari.


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