Marzu 6, 2024

Dewteronomju 4: 1, 5- 9

4:1“And now, Iżrael, listen to the precepts and judgments which I am teaching to you, biex b'hekk, by doing these, you may live, and you may enter and possess the land, which the Lord, the God of your fathers, will give to you.
4:5You know that I have taught you precepts as well as justices, just as the Lord my God has commanded me. And so shall you do in the land that you will possess.
4:6And you shall observe and fulfill these in practice. For this is your wisdom and understanding in the sight of the peoples, biex b'hekk, upon hearing all these precepts, they may say: ‘Lo, a wise and understanding people, a great nation.’
4:7Neither is there any other nation so great, which has its gods so near to them, as our God is present to all our petitions.
4:8For what other nation is there so renowned as to have ceremonies, and just judgments, and the entire law that I will set forth today before your eyes?
4:9U għalhekk, guard yourself and your soul carefully. You should not forget the words that your eyes have seen, and do not let them be cut away from your heart, throughout all the days of your life. You shall teach them to your sons and to your grandsons,

Mattew 5: 17- 19

5:17Taħsbux li ġejt biex inħoll il-liġi jew il-profeti. Jien ma ġejtx biex inħoll, imma biex twettaq.
5:18Amen ngħidilkom, żgur, sakemm is-sema u l-art jgħaddu, mhux iota waħda, ebda tikka m’għandha tgħaddi mil-liġi, sakemm isir kollox.
5:19Għalhekk, min ikun ħalla wieħed mill-iżgħar minn dawn il-kmandamenti, u għallmu lill-irġiel hekk, għandu jissejjaħ l-iżgħar fis-saltna tas-smewwiet. Imma min ikun għamel u għallem dawn, wieħed bħal dan għandu jissejjaħ kbir fis-saltna tas-smewwiet.