July 11, 2015


Ġenesi 49:29-32; 50:15-24

49:29 U tahom struzzjonijiet, qal: “I am being gathered to my people. Bury me with my fathers in the double cave, which is in the field of Ephron the Hittite,

49:30 opposite Mamre, in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought, along with its field, from Ephron the Hittite, as a possession for burial.

49:31 There they buried him, with his wife Sarah.” And there Isaac was buried with his wife Rebekah. There also Leah lies preserved.

49:32 And having finished these commands by which he instructed his sons, he drew his feet onto the bed, and he passed away. And he was gathered to his people.

50:15 Now that he was dead, his brothers were afraid, and they said to one another: “Perhaps now he may remember the injury that he suffered and requite us for all the evil that we did to him.”

50:16 So they sent a message to him, qal: “Your father instructed us before he died,

50:17 that we should say these words to you from him: ‘I beg you to forget the wickedness of your brothers, and the sin and malice that they practiced against you.’ Likewise, we petition you to release the servants of the God of your father from this iniquity.” Hearing this, Joseph wept.

50:18 And his brothers went to him. And reverencing prostrate on the ground, huma qalu, “We are your servants.”

50:19 And he answered them: "Tibżax. Are we able to resist the will of God?

50:20 You devised evil against me. But God turned it into good, so that he might exalt me, just as you presently discern, and so that he might bring about the salvation of many peoples.

50:21 Do not be afraid. I will pasture you and your little ones.” And he consoled them, and he spoke mildly and leniently.

50:22 And he lived in Egypt with all his father’s house; and he survived for one hundred and ten years. And he saw the sons of Ephraim to the third generation. Bl-istess mod, the sons of Machir, the son of Manasseh, were born onto Joseph’s knees.

50:23 After these things happened, he said to his brothers: “God will visit you after my death, and he will make you ascend from this land into the land which he swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”

50:24 And when he had made them swear and had said, “God will visit you; carry my bones with you from this place,”


L-Evanġelju Qaddis Skont Mattew 10: 24- 33

10:24 U d-dixxipli baqgħu mistagħġbin bi kliemu. Imma Ġesù, wieġeb mill-ġdid, qalilhom: “Ulied żgħar, kemm hu diffiċli għal min jafda fil-flus biex jidħol fis-saltna ta’ Alla!
10:25 Huwa aktar faċli li ġemel jgħaddi minn għajn ta' labra, milli biex l-għonja jidħlu fis-saltna ta’ Alla.”
10:26 U staqsew saħansitra aktar, jgħidu bejniethom, “Min, imbagħad, jistgħu jiġu salvati?”
10:27 U Ġesù, iħares lejhom, qal: “Bl-irġiel huwa impossibbli; imma mhux ma’ Alla. Għax għal Alla kollox hu possibbli.”
10:28 U Pietru beda jgħidlu, “Ara, ħallejna kollox u mxejna warajk.”
10:29 Bi tweġiba, Ġesù qal: “Amen ngħidilkom, M'hemm ħadd li ħalla warajh id-dar, jew aħwa, jew sorijiet, jew missier, jew omm, jew tfal, jew art, għal ġid tiegħi u għall-Vanġelu,
10:30 li mhux se jirċievi mitt darba daqshekk, issa f'dan iż-żmien: djar, u aħwa, u sorijiet, u ommijiet, u t-tfal, u art, bil-persekuzzjonijiet, u fl-età futura ħajja eterna.
10:31 But many of the first shall be last, and the last shall be first.”


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