December 14, 2013, ශුභාරංචිය

මැතිව් 17: 9-13

9:9 And when Jesus passed on from there, he saw, sitting at the tax office, a man named Matthew. ඔහු ඔහුට මෙසේ කීවේය, “Follow me.” And rising up, ඔහු ඔහු පසුපස ගියේය.

9:10 සහ එය සිදු විය, as he was sitting down to eat in the house, බලන්න, many tax collectors and sinners arrived, and they sat down to eat with Jesus and his disciples.

9:11 And the Pharisees, මේක දකිනවා, ඔහුගේ ගෝලයන්ට කීවේය, “Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”

9:12 නමුත් යේසුස්, මේක අහලා, කිව්වා: “It is not those who are healthy who are in need of a physician, නමුත් රෝග ඇති අය.

9:13 ඉතින් එහෙනම්, go out and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the just, but sinners.”


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