Febbraio 11, 2015


Genesi 2: 5-9, 15-17

2:5 and every sapling of the field, before it would rise up in the land, and every wild plant, before it would germinate. For the Lord God had not brought rain upon the earth, and there was no man to work the land.

2:6 But a fountain ascended from the earth, irrigating the entire surface of the land.

2:7 And then the Lord God formed man from the clay of the earth, and he breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

2:8 Now the Lord God had planted a Paradise of enjoyment from the beginning. In it, he placed the man whom he had formed.

2:9 And from the soil the Lord God produced every tree that was beautiful to behold and pleasant to eat. And even the tree of life was in the midst of Paradise, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

2:10 And a river went forth from the place of enjoyment so as to irrigate Paradise, which is divided from there into four heads.

2:11 The name of one is the Phison; it is that which runs through all the land of Hevilath, where gold is born;

2:12 and the gold of that land is the finest. In that place is found bdellium and the onyx stone.

2:13 And the name of the second river is the Gehon; it is that which runs through all the land of Ethiopia.

2:14 Veramente, the name of the third river is the Tigris; it advances opposite the Assyrians. But the fourth river, it is the Euphrates.

2:15 Così, the Lord God brought the man, and put him into the Paradise of enjoyment, so that it would be attended and preserved by him.

2:16 E lo ha istruito, detto: “From every tree of Paradise, you shall eat.

2:17 But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, non mangerai. For in whatever day you will eat from it, you will die a death.”



Segno 7: 14-23

7:14 E di nuovo, chiamando a sé la folla, disse loro: "Ascoltami, tutti voi, e capire.
7:15 Non c'è niente al di fuori di un uomo che, entrando in lui, è in grado di contaminarlo. Ma le cose che procedono da un uomo, questi sono ciò che inquinano un uomo.
7:16 Chi ha orecchie per intendere, lascialo sentire.
7:17 E quando fu entrato in casa, lontano dalla folla, i suoi discepoli lo interrogarono sulla parabola.
7:18 E disse loro: "COSÌ, sei anche tu senza prudenza? Non capite che tutto ciò che entra nell'uomo dal di fuori non è in grado di contaminarlo?
7:19 Perché non entra nel suo cuore, ma nell'intestino, ed esce nella fogna, eliminando tutti gli alimenti.
7:20 "Ma,” ha detto “le cose che escono da un uomo, questi inquinano un uomo.
7:21 Perché dall'interno, dal cuore degli uomini, procedono pensieri malvagi, adulteri, fornicazioni, omicidi,
7:22 furti, avarizia, malvagità, inganno, omosessualità, un malocchio, bestemmia, autoesaltazione, stupidità.
7:23 Tutti questi mali provengono dall’interno e inquinano l’uomo”.



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