January 4, 2015

Prima lettura

Siracide 24: 1-4, 8-12

24:1 Wisdom will praise her own mind, and she will be honored by God, and she will be glorified in the midst of her people.
24:2 And she will open her mouth in the churches of the Most High, and she will be glorified in the sight of his virtue.
24:3 And in the midst of her own people, she will be exalted. And she will be admired by the holy assembly.
24:4 And she will have praise within the multitude of the elect. And she will be blessed among the blessed. And she will say:

24:8 I alone have encompassed the circuit of heaven, and have penetrated to the depths of the abyss, and have walked upon the waves of the sea,

24:9 and have stood upon the whole earth. And among every people,

24:10 and in every nation, I have held primacy.

24:11 And by virtue, I have tread upon the hearts of all, the great and the lowly. And I have sought my rest in all of them. And I will continue, as the inheritance of the Lord.

24:12 Then the Creator of all things instructed and spoke with me. And the One who created me rested in my tabernacle.

Seconda lettura

Efesini 1: 3-6, 15-18

1:3 Benedetto sia Dio e Padre del nostro Signore Gesù Cristo, che ci ha benedetti con ogni benedizione spirituale nei cieli, in Cristo,

1:4 così come in lui ci ha eletti prima della fondazione del mondo, affinché fossimo santi e immacolati ai suoi occhi, nella carità.

1:5 Ci ha predestinati all'adozione come figli, per mezzo di Gesù Cristo, in se stesso, secondo lo scopo della sua volontà,

1:6 a lode della gloria della sua grazia, di cui ci ha fatto dono nel suo Figlio diletto.

1:15 A causa di ciò, e udire la vostra fede che è nel Signore Gesù, e del tuo amore verso tutti i santi,

1:16 Non ho cessato di ringraziarvi, richiamandoti alla mia mente nelle mie preghiere,

1:17 in modo che il Dio del nostro Signore Gesù Cristo, il Padre della gloria, possa darti uno spirito di sapienza e di rivelazione, nella conoscenza di lui.

1:18 Possano gli occhi del tuo cuore essere illuminati, affinché tu sappia qual è la speranza della sua vocazione, e la ricchezza della gloria della sua eredità con i santi,


John 1: 1- 18

1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word.

1:2 He was with God in the beginning.

1:3 All things were made through Him, and nothing that was made was made without Him.

1:4 Life was in Him, and Life was the light of men.

1:5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

1:6 There was a man sent by God, whose name was John.

1:7 He arrived as a witness to offer testimony about the Light, so that all would believe through him.

1:8 He was not the Light, but he was to offer testimony about the Light.

1:9 The true Light, which illuminates every man, was coming into this world.

1:10 He was in the world, and the world was made through him, and the world did not recognize him.

1:11 He went to his own, and his own did not accept him.

1:12 Yet whoever did accept him, those who believed in his name, he gave them the power to become the sons of God.

1:13 These are born, not of blood, nor of the will of flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

1:14 And the Word became flesh, and he lived among us, and we saw his glory, glory like that of an only-begotten son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

1:15 John offers testimony about him, and he cries out, detto: “This is the one about whom I said: ‘He who is to come after me, has been placed ahead of me, because he existed before me.’ ”

1:16 And from his fullness, we all have received, even grace for grace.

1:17 For the law was given though Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

1:18 No one ever saw God; the only-begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he himself has described him.


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