Juin 16, 2012, Gospel

The Holy Gospel According to Luke 2: 41-51

2:41 And his parents went every year to Jerusalem, at the time of the solemnity of Passover.
2:42 And when he had become twelve years old, they ascended to Jerusalem, according to the custom of the feast day.
2:43 And having completed the days, when they returned, the boy Jesus remained in Jerusalem. And his parents did not realize this.
2:44 Mais, supposing that he was in the company, they went a day’s journey, seeking him among their relatives and acquaintances.
2:45 And not finding him, ils sont retournés à Jérusalem, seeking him.
2:46 Et il est arrivé que, après trois jours, they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, listening to them and questioning them.
2:47 But all who listened to him were astonished over his prudence and his responses.
2:48 Et en le voyant, ils se sont demandés. And his mother said to him: "Fils, why have you acted this way toward us? Voir, your father and I were seeking you in sorrow.”
2:49 Et il leur dit: “How is it that you were seeking me? For did you not know that it is necessary for me to be in these things which are of my Father?”
2:50 And they did not understand the word that he spoke to them.
2:51 And he descended with them and went to Nazareth. And he was subordinate to them. And his mother kept all these words in her heart.


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