Може 4, 2014

First Reading

The Acts of Apostles 2: 14, 22-33

2:14 Але Петро, встаючи з одинадцятьма, підвищив голос, і він говорив до них: «Чоловіки Юдеї, і всі ті, хто живе в Єрусалимі, нехай це буде вам відомо, і прихили свої вуха до моїх слів.
2:22 Чоловіки Ізраїлю, почути ці слова: Ісус Назарянин є чоловіком, утвердженим Богом серед вас чудесами, чудами та знаменнями, які Бог учинив через Нього серед вас, як ти теж знаєш.
2:23 Цей чоловік, згідно з остаточним планом і передбаченням Бога, був визволений руками неправедних, уражений, і відданий на смерть.
2:24 І той, кого Бог воскресив, зламав печалі пекла, бо, безсумнівно, це було неможливо для нього.
2:25 Бо Давид сказав про нього: «Я завжди передбачав Господа перед моїми очима, бо він праворуч від мене, щоб я не зрушився.
2:26 Тому що, моє серце зраділо, і зрадів мій язик. Крім того, моє тіло також спочине в надії.
2:27 Бо ти не покинеш мою душу в пекло, і ви не дозволите своєму Святому побачити тління.
2:28 Ти відкрив мені шляхи життя. Ти повністю наповниш мене щастям своєю присутністю».
2:29 Брати знатні, дозвольте мені вільно говорити вам про патріарха Давида: бо він помер і був похований, і гріб його з нами, навіть до цього дня.
2:30 тому, він був пророком, бо він знав, що Бог присягнув йому про плід стегон його, про Того, Хто сяде на його трон.
2:31 Передбачаючи це, він говорив про Воскресіння Христове. Бо він не залишився в пеклі, і тіло його не бачило тління.
2:32 Цей Ісус, Бог воскрес, і всі ми свідки цього.
2:33 тому, будучи піднесеним праворуч Бога, і отримавши від Отця обітницю Святого Духа, він вилив це, так, як ви зараз бачите і чуєте.

Second Reading

First Letter of Peter 1: 17-21

1:17 And if you invoke as Father him who, without showing favoritism to persons, judges according to each one’s work, then act in fear during the time of your sojourning here.

1:18 For you know that it was not with corruptible gold or silver that you were redeemed away from your useless behavior in the traditions of your fathers,

1:19 but it was with the precious blood of Christ, an immaculate and undefiled lamb,

1:20 foreknown, звичайно, before the foundation of the world, and made manifest in these latter times for your sake.

1:21 Through him, you have been faithful to God, who raised him up from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope would be in God.


The Holy Gospel According to Luke 24: 13-35

24:13 І ось, two of them went out, on the same day, to a town named Emmaus, which was the distance of sixty stadia from Jerusalem.
24:14 And they spoke to one another about all of these things that had occurred.
24:15 І сталося таке, while they were speculating and questioning within themselves, Jesus himself, наближаючись, traveled with them.
24:16 But their eyes were restrained, so that they would not recognize him.
24:17 І він сказав їм, “What are these words, which you are discussing with one another, as you walk and are sad
24:18 І один із них, whose name was Cleopas, responded by saying to him, “Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days
24:19 І він сказав їм, “What things?І вони сказали, “About Jesus of Nazareth, who was a noble prophet, powerful in works and in words, before God and all the people.
24:20 And how our high priests and leaders handed him over to be condemned to death. And they crucified him.
24:21 But we were hoping that he would be the Redeemer of Israel. І зараз, on top of all this, today is the third day since these things have happened.
24:22 Потім, теж, certain women from among us terrified us. For before daytime, they were at the tomb,
24:23 і, having not found his body, they returned, saying that they had even seen a vision of Angels, who said that he is alive.
24:24 And some of us went out to the tomb. And they found it just as the women had said. Але по-справжньому, they did not find him.”
24:25 І він сказав їм: “How foolish and reluctant in heart you are, to believe everything that has been spoken by the Prophets!
24:26 Was not the Christ required to suffer these things, and so enter into his glory
24:27 And beginning from Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted for them, in all the Scriptures, the things that were about him.
24:28 And they drew near to the town where they were going. And he conducted himself so as to go on further.
24:29 But they were insistent with him, кажучи, “Remain with us, because it is toward evening and now daylight is declining.” And so he entered with them.
24:30 І сталося таке, while he was at table with them, he took bread, and he blessed and broke it, and he extended it to them.
24:31 And their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. And he vanished from their eyes.
24:32 And they said to one another, “Was not our heart burning within us, while he was speaking on the way, and when he opened the Scriptures to us
24:33 And rising up at that same hour, вони повернулися до Єрусалиму. And they found the eleven gathered together, і тих, хто був з ними,
24:34 кажучи: “In truth, the Lord has risen, and he has appeared to Simon.”
24:35 And they explained the things that were done on the way, and how they had recognized him at the breaking of the bread.


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