September 10, 2013, Lees

Kolossense 2:6-15

6 So dan, as you received Jesus as Here en Christus, now live your lives in him,

7 be rooted in him and built up on him, held firm by the geloof you have been taught, and overflowing with thanksgiving.

8 Make sure that no one captivates you with the empty lure of a ‘philosophyof the kind that human beings hand on, based on the principles of this world and not on Christ.

9 In hom, in bodily form, lives divinity in all its fullness,

10 and in him you too find your own fulfilment, in the one who is the head of every sovereignty and ruling force.

11 In him you have been circumcised, with a circumcision performed, not by human hand, but by the complete stripping of your natural self. This is circumcision according to Christ.

12 Jy is saam met hom begrawe deur jou doop; waardeur, ook, you have been raised up with him through your belief in the power of God who raised him from the dead.

13 Jy was dood, want julle was sondaars en onbesneden van liggaam: he has brought you to lewe met hom, Hy het ons elkeen van ons sondes vergewe.

14 He has wiped out the record of our debt to the Law, wat teen ons gestaan ​​het; hy het dit vernietig deur dit aan die kruis vas te spyker;

15 and he has stripped the sovereignties and the ruling forces, and paraded them in public, behind him in his triumphal procession.


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