January 29, 2015


The Letter to the Hebrews 10: 19-25

10:19 Und so, Brüder, Glaube an den Eintritt in das Allerheiligste durch das Blut Christi,
10:20 und auf die neue und lebendige Weise, die er uns durch den Schleier eingeweiht hat, das ist, durch sein Fleisch,
10:21 und im Großen Priester über das Haus Gottes.
10:22 So, lasst uns mit aufrichtigem Herzen nahen, in der Fülle des Glaubens, Herzen von einem bösen Gewissen gereinigt haben, und Körper mit reinem Wasser freigesprochen.
10:23 Halten wir fest am Bekenntnis unserer Hoffnung, ohne zu schwanken, denn wer versprochen hat, ist treu.
10:24 And let us be considerate of one another, so as to prompt ourselves to charity and to good works,
10:25 not deserting our assembly, as some are accustomed to do, but consoling one another, and even more so as you see that the day is approaching


The Holy Gospel According to Mark 4: 21-25

4:21 Und er sagte zu ihnen: “Would someone enter with a lamp in order to place it under a basket or under a bed? Would it not be placed upon a lampstand?
4:22 For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. Neither was anything done in secret, except that it may be made public.
4:23 If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”
4:24 Und er sagte zu ihnen: “Consider what you hear. With whatever measure you have measured out, it shall be measured back to you, and more shall be added to you.
4:25 For whoever has, to him it shall be given. And whoever has not, from him even what he has shall be taken away.”



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