Juni 24, 2014


Jesaja 49: 1-6

49:1 Pay attention, you islands, and listen closely, you far away peoples. The Lord has called me from the womb; from the womb of my mother, he has been mindful of my name.
49:2 And he has appointed my mouth as a sharp sword. In the shadow of his hand, he has protected me. And he has appointed me as an elect arrow. In his quiver, he has hidden me.
49:3 And he has said to me: “You are my servant, Israel. For in you, I will glory.”
49:4 And I said: “I have labored toward emptiness. I have consumed my strength without purpose and in vain. Deshalb, my judgment is with the Lord, and my work is with my God.”
49:5 Und nun, sagt der Herr, who formed me from the womb as his servant, so that I may bring back Jacob to him, for Israel will not be gathered together, but I have been glorified in the eyes of the Lord and my God has become my strength,
49:6 and so he has said: “It is a small thing that you should be my servant so as to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and so as to convert the dregs of Israel. Erblicken, I have offered you as a light for the Gentiles, so that you may be my salvation, even to the furthest regions of the earth.”

Zweite Lesung

The Acts of Apostles 13: 22-26

13:22 Und nachdem ich ihn entfernt habe, er erweckte ihnen den König David. Und Zeugnis über ihn abzugeben, er sagte, „Ich habe David gefunden, der Sohn Isais, ein Mann nach meinem Herzen zu sein, der alles vollbringen wird, was ich will.“
13:23 Von seinen Nachkommen, nach dem Versprechen, Gott hat Jesus, den Erlöser, nach Israel gebracht.
13:24 Johannes predigte, vor seiner Ankunft, eine Taufe der Buße für das ganze Volk Israel.
13:25 Dann, als John seinen Kurs beendete, Er sagte: „Ich bin nicht der, für den du mich hältst. Siehe da, einer kommt nach mir, die Schuhe, von deren Füßen ich nicht würdig bin, sie zu lösen.“
13:26 Edle Brüder, Söhne aus dem Stamm Abrahams, und diejenigen unter euch, die Gott fürchten, dir ist das Wort dieser Erlösung gesandt worden.


Das heilige Evangelium nach Lukas 1: 57-66, 80

1:57Now the time for Elizabeth to give birth arrived, and she brought forth a son.

1:58And her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had magnified his mercy with her, and so they congratulated her.

1:59Und das ist passiert, on the eighth day, they arrived to circumcise the boy, and they called him by his father’s name, Sacharja.

1:60Und als Antwort, his mother said: “Not so. Stattdessen, he shall be called John.”

1:61And they said to her, “But there is no one among your relatives who is called by that name.”

1:62Then they made signs to his father, as to what he wanted him to be called.

1:63And requesting a writing tablet, er schrieb, Sprichwort: “His name is John.” And they all wondered.

1:64Dann, at once, his mouth was opened, and his tongue loosened, and he spoke, blessing God.

1:65And fear fell upon all of their neighbors. And all these words were made known throughout all the hill country of Judea.

1:66And all those who heard it stored it up in their heart, Sprichwort: “What do you think this boy will be?” And indeed, the hand of the Lord was with him.

1:80And the child grew, and he was strengthened in spirit. And he was in the wilderness, until the day of his manifestation to Israel.



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