Април 12, 2024


The Acts of the Apostles 5: 34-42

5:34Али неко у савету, фарисеј по имену Гамалило, учитељ закона поштован од целог народа, устао и наредио да се људи накратко изведу напоље.
5:35И рече им: „Људи Израела, треба бити опрезан у својим намерама у вези са овим људима.
5:36За пре ових дана, Теуда иступи напред, потврђујући се да је неко, и известан број мушкараца, око четири стотине, придружио се њему. Али он је убијен, и расејаше се сви који вероваше у њега, и сведени су на ништа.
5:37После овог, Јуда Галилејац је иступио напред, у данима уписа, и окренуо је народ према себи. Али и он је погинуо, и сви они, колико их је било с њим, били распршени.
5:38И сада стога, рекао сам ти, повући се од ових људи и оставити их на миру. Јер ако је овај савет или дело од људи, биће сломљено.
5:39Ипак заиста, ако је од Бога, нећете моћи да га разбијете, и можда би се могло открити да сте се борили против Бога.” И они су се сложили са њим.
5:40И призивање Апостола, победивши их, упозорили су их да уопште не говоре у име Исусово. И они су их отпустили.
5:41И заиста, изашли су из присуства већа, радујући се што су сматрани достојним да трпе увреду у име Исусово.
5:42И сваки дан, у храму и међу кућама, нису престајали да поучавају и евангелишу Христа Исуса.


The Holy Gospel According to John 6: 1-15

6:1После ових ствари, Jesus traveled across the sea of Galilee, which is the Sea of Tiberias.
6:2And a great multitude was following him, for they saw the signs that he was accomplishing toward those who were infirm.
6:3Стога, Jesus went onto a mountain, and he sat down there with his disciples.
6:4Now the Passover, the feast day of the Jews, was near.
6:5И тако, when Jesus had lifted up his eyes and had seen that a very great multitude came to him, he said to Philip, “From where should we buy bread, so that these may eat?”
6:6But he said this to test him. For he himself knew what he would do.
6:7Philip answered him, “Two hundred denarii of bread would not be sufficient for each of them to receive even a little.”
6:8One of his disciples, Andrew, брат Симона Петра, рече му:
6:9“There is a certain boy here, who has five barley loaves and two fish. But what are these among so many?”
6:10Тада је Исус рекао, “Have the men sit down to eat.” Now, there was much grass in that place. And so the men, in number about five thousand, sat down to eat.
6:11Стога, Jesus took the bread, и кад је захвалио, he distributed it to those who were sitting down to eat; similarly also, from the fish, as much as they wanted.
6:12Онда, when they were filled, рече својим ученицима, “Gather the fragments that are left over, lest they be lost.”
6:13And so they gathered, and they filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves, which were left over from those who had eaten.
6:14Стога, those men, when they had seen that Jesus had accomplished a sign, Рекли су, „Заиста, this one is the Prophet who is to come into the world.”
6:15И тако, when he realized that they were going to come and take him away and make him king, Jesus fled back to the mountain, by himself alone.