Даили Реадингс

  • Може 1, 2024

    Дела 15: 1 -6

    15:1And certain ones, descending from Judea, were teaching the brothers, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.”
    15:2Стога, when Paul and Barnabas made no small uprising against them, they decided that Paul and Barnabas, and some from the opposing side, should go up to the Apostles and priests in Jerusalem concerning this question.
    15:3Стога, being led by the church, they traveled through Phoenicia and Samaria, describing the conversion of the Gentiles. And they caused great joy among all the brothers.
    15:4And when they had arrived in Jerusalem, they were received by the church and the Apostles and the elders, reporting what great things God had done with them.
    15:5But some from the sect of the Pharisees, those who were believers, rose up saying, “It is necessary for them to be circumcised and to be instructed to keep the Law of Moses.”
    15:6And the Apostles and elders came together to take care of this matter.

    Јохн 15: 1- 8

    15:1„Ја сам права лоза, а Отац мој је виноградар.
    15:2Свака грана у мени која не роди, он ће однети. И сваки који доноси плод, он ће очистити, да би донела више плода.
    15:3Сада сте чисти, због речи коју сам вам рекао.
    15:4Остани у мени, а ја у теби. Као што грана сама од себе није у стању да донесе плод, осим ако не остане у лози, тако и ти ниси у стању, ако не останеш у мени.
    15:5ја сам лоза; ви сте гране. Ко год у мени пребива, а ја у њему, доноси много плода. Јер без мене, ви сте у стању да учините ништа.
    15:6Ако неко не остане у мени, он ће бити одбачен, као грана, и он ће увенути, и они ће га сабрати и бацити у огањ, а он гори.
    15:7Ако останеш у мени, и речи моје остају у теби, онда можеш тражити шта год хоћеш, и биће вам учињено.
    15:8У ово, прослављен је отац мој: да донесете много плода и постанете моји ученици.

  • Април 30, 2024

    Дела 14: 18- 27

    14:19But as the disciples were standing around him, he got up and entered the city. И сутрадан, he set out with Barnabas for Derbe.
    14:20And when they had evangelized that city, and had taught many, they returned again to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch,
    14:21strengthening the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them that they should remain always in the faith, and that it is necessary for us to enter into the kingdom of God through many tribulations.
    14:22And when they had established priests for them in each church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, in whom they believed.
    14:23And traveling by way of Pisidia, they arrived in Pamphylia.
    14:24And having spoken the word of the Lord in Perga, they went down into Attalia.
    14:25And from there, they sailed to Antioch, where they had been commended to the grace of God for the work which they had now accomplished.
    14:26And when they had arrived and had gathered together the church, they related what great things God had done with them, and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.
    14:27And they remained for no small amount of time with the disciples.

    Јохн 14: 27- 31

    14:27Мир вам остављам; мир мој дајем ти. Не на начин на који свет даје, да ли да ти дам. Не дозволи да ти срце буде узнемирено, и нека се не плаши.
    14:28Чули сте да сам вам рекао: ја одлазим, и враћам се теби. Ако си ме волео, свакако би вам било драго, јер идем к Оцу. Јер је Отац већи од мене.
    14:29А сада сам вам ово рекао, пре него што се то деси, тако да, када ће се то догодити, можете веровати.
    14:30Нећу сада дуго разговарати са вама. Јер долази кнез овога света, али он нема ништа у мени.
    14:31Али ово је зато да би свет знао да ја волим Оца, и да поступам по заповести коју ми је дао Отац. Устати, хајде да идемо одавде.”

  • Април 29, 2024

    Дела 14: 5- 18

    14:5Now when an assault had been planned by the Gentiles and the Jews with their leaders, so that they might treat them with contempt and stone them,
    14:6они, realizing this, fled together to Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, and to the entire surrounding region. And they were evangelizing in that place.
    14:7And a certain man was sitting at Lystra, disabled in his feet, lame from his mother’s womb, who had never walked.
    14:8This man heard Paul speaking. And Paul, gazing at him intently, and perceiving that he had faith, so that he might be healed,
    14:9said with a loud voice, “Stand upright upon your feet!” And he leaped up and walked around.
    14:10But when the crowds had seen what Paul had done, they lifted up their voice in the Lycaonian language, говорећи, “The gods, having taken the likenesses of men, have descended to us!”
    14:11And they called Barnabas, ‘Jupiter,’ yet truly they called Paul, ‘Mercury,’ because he was the lead speaker.
    14:12Такође, the priest of Jupiter, who was outside the city, in front of the gate, bringing in oxen and garlands, was willing to offer sacrifice with the people.
    14:13And as soon as the Apostles, Barnabas and Paul, had heard this, tearing their tunics, they leapt into the crowd, вапе
    14:14и говорећи: “Men, why would you do this? We also are mortals, men like yourselves, preaching to you to be converted, from these vain things, to the living God, who made heaven and earth and the sea and all that is in them.
    14:15In previous generations, he permitted all nations to walk in their own ways.
    14:16But certainly, he did not leave himself without testimony, doing good from heaven, giving rains and fruitful seasons, filling their hearts with food and gladness.”
    14:17And by saying these things, they were barely able to restrain the crowds from immolating to them.
    14:18Now certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium arrived there. And having persuaded the crowd, they stoned Paul and dragged him outside of the city, thinking him to be dead.

    Јохн 14: 21 -26

    14:21Ко се држи мојих заповести и држи их: он ме воли. И ко љуби мене, љубиће га Отац мој. И ја ћу га волети, и јавићу му се.”
    14:22Јуда, не Искариотски, рече му: „Господе, како се дешава да се ти јавиш нама а не свету?”
    14:23Исус је одговорио и рекао му: „Ако ме неко воли, он ће одржати моју реч. И Отац ће га волети, и ми ћемо доћи к њему, и ми ћемо код њега настанити.
    14:24Ко ме не воли, не држи моје речи. А реч коју сте чули није од мене, али је од Оца који ме посла.
    14:25Ове ствари сам вам говорио, док борави с тобом.
    14:26Али адвокат, Духа Светога, кога ће Отац послати у моје име, научиће те свему и предложиће ти све што сам ти рекао.

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