Easter Vigil

First Reading

Генесис: 1: 1-2: 2

1:1 У почетку, Бог је створио небо и земљу.
1:2 Али земља је била празна и ненасељена, и таме су биле над лицем понора; и тако је Дух Божији доведен преко воде.
1:3 И Бог је рекао, "Нека буде светлост." И светлост је постала.
1:4 И Бог угледа светлост, да је било добро; и тако је одвојио светлост од таме.
1:5 И он је позвао светлост, „Дан,“ и таме, ‘Ноћ.’ И постаде вече и јутро, једног дана.
1:6 Бог је такође рекао, „Нека буде свод усред вода, и нека одваја воду од воде.”
1:7 И створи Бог небески свод, и раздвоји воду под сводом, од оних који су били изнад небеског свода. И тако је постало.
1:8 И Бог назва свод небо. И постаде вече и јутро, други дан.
1:9 Заиста је Бог рекао: „Нека се сакупе воде које су под небом на једно место; и нека се појави суво“. И тако је постало.
1:10 И позва Бог суво, 'Земља,“ и сазва сакупљање воде, ’Мора.’ И виде Бог да је добро.
1:11 И рекао је, „Нека земља ниче зелене биљке, оба која производе семе, и стабла која дају плодове, производећи воће према својој врсти, чије је семе у себи, по целој земљи“. И тако је постало.
1:12 И земља је родила зелене биљке, оба која производе семе, према свом роду, и дрвеће које даје плодове, при чему свака има свој начин сетве, према својој врсти. И виде Бог да је добро.
1:13 И постаде вече и јутро, трећи дан.
1:14 Тада је Бог рекао: „Нека буду светлости на своду небеском. И нека деле дан од ноћи, и нека постану знаци, оба годишња доба, и о данима и годинама.
1:15 Нека сијају на своду небеском и нека обасјају земљу.” И тако је постало.
1:16 И створи Бог два велика светила: већа светлост, да владају даном, и мања светлост, да влада преко ноћи, заједно са звездама.
1:17 И постави их на свод небески, да осветли сву земљу,
1:18 и да влада даном као и ноћу, и да дели светлост од таме. И виде Бог да је добро.
1:19 И постаде вече и јутро, четврти дан.
1:20 А онда је Бог рекао, „Нека воде рађају животиње са живом душом, и летећих створења изнад земље, под сводом небеским“.
1:21 И Бог је створио велика морска створења, и све са живом душом и способношћу кретања што су воде произвеле, према њиховој врсти, и сва летећа створења, према свом роду. И виде Бог да је добро.
1:22 И благослови их, говорећи: „Повећајте и множите, и напуни воде морске. И нека се птице умноже изнад земље.”
1:23 И постаде вече и јутро, пети дан.
1:24 Бог је такође рекао, „Нека земља рађа живе душе у њиховој врсти: говеда, и животиње, и дивље звери земаљске, према њиховој врсти.” И тако је постало.
1:25 И створи Бог звери земаљске по врстама њиховим, и стоку, и свака животиња на земљи, према својој врсти. И виде Бог да је добро.
1:26 И рекао је: „Направимо човека по нашем лику и подобију. И нека влада рибама морским, и летећих створења из ваздуха, и дивље звери, и целу земљу, и свака животиња која се креће по земљи.”
1:27 И створи Бог човека по свом обличју; лику Божијем створи га; мушко и женско, створио их је.
1:28 И Бог их благословио, и рекао је, „Повећајте и множите, и испуни земљу, и покори га, и владај рибама морским, и летећих створења из ваздуха, и над сваким живим бићем што се креће по земљи.”
1:29 И Бог је рекао: „Ево, Дао сам ти сваку биљку која носи семе на земљи, и све дрвеће које има у себи способност да засеје свој род, да ти буде храна,
1:30 и за све животиње на земљи, и за све летеће ствари из ваздуха, и за све што се креће по земљи и у чему је жива душа, да би имали ове којима ће се хранити“. И тако је постало.
1:31 И виде Бог све што је створио. И били су веома добри. И постаде вече и јутро, шести дан.

Генесис 2

2:1 И тако су небо и земља били завршени, са свим својим украсима.
2:2 И седмог дана, Бог је испунио своје дело, коју је он био направио. А седмог дана се одморио од свих послова својих, које је био остварио.

Second Reading

Генесис: 22: 1-18

22:1 After these things occurred, God tested Abraham, и рече му, “Abraham, Abraham.” And he answered, "Ево ме."
22:2 рекао му је: “Take your only begotten son Isaac, whom you love, and go into the land of vision. And there you shall offer him as a holocaust upon one of the mountains, which I will show to you.”
22:3 And so Abraham, getting up in the night, harnessed his donkey, taking with him two youths, and his son Isaac. And when he had cut wood for the holocaust, he traveled toward the place, as God had instructed him.
22:4 Онда, on the third day, lifting up his eyes, he saw the place at a distance.
22:5 And he said to his servants: “Wait here with the donkey. I and the boy will hurry further ahead to that place. After we have worshipped, will return to you.”
22:6 He also took the wood for the holocaust, and he imposed it upon his son Isaac. And he himself carried in his hands fire and a sword. And as the two continued on together,
22:7 Isaac said to his father, “My father.” And he answered, "Шта хоћеш, son?” “Behold," рекао је, “fire and wood. Where is the victim for the holocaust?”
22:8 But Abraham said, “God himself will provide the victim for the holocaust, my son.” Thus they continued on together.
22:9 And they came to the place that God had shown to him. There he built an altar, and he set the wood in order upon it. And when he had bound his son Isaac, he laid him on the altar upon the pile of wood.
22:10 And he reached out his hand and took hold of the sword, in order to sacrifice his son.
22:11 И гле, an Angel of the Lord called out from heaven, говорећи, “Abraham, Abraham.” And he answered, "Ево ме."
22:12 И рече му, “Do not extend your hand over the boy, and do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, since you have not spared your only begotten son for my sake.”
22:13 Abraham lifted up his eyes, and he saw behind his back a ram among the thorns, caught by the horns, which he took and offered as a holocaust, instead of his son.
22:14 And he called the name of that place: ‘The Lord Sees.’ Thus, па и до данас, it is said: ‘On the mountain, the Lord will see.’
22:15 Then the Angel of the Lord called out to Abraham a second time from heaven, говорећи:
22:16 “By my own self, I have sworn, говори Господ. Because you have done this thing, and have not spared your only begotten son for my sake,
22:17 I will bless you, and I will multiply your offspring like the stars of heaven, and like the sand which is on the seashore. Your offspring will possess the gates of their enemies.
22:18 And in your offspring, all the nations of the earth will be blessed, because you obeyed my voice.”

Third Reading

Екодус: 14: 15- 15: 1

14:15 И рече Господ Мојсију: „Зашто да плачеш мени? Реци Израеловим синовима да наставе даље.
14:16 Сада, подигните свој штап, и пружи руку своју на море и раздвоји га, да би синови Израиљеви ходали посред мора по сувом.
14:17 Тада ћу отврднути срце Египћана, па да те гоне. И ја ћу се прославити у фараону, и у свој својој војсци, и у својим колима, и у својим коњаницима.
14:18 И Египћани ће знати да сам ја Господ, када ћу се прославити у фараону, и у својим колима, као и у његовим коњаницима“.
14:19 И анђео Божији, који је претходио Израиљевом логору, подижући се, ишао иза њих. И стуб од облака, заједно са њим, лево предње за задње
14:20 и стаде између табора Египћана и табора Израиљевог. И био је таман облак, ипак је обасјавао ноћ, тако да целе те ноћи нису успели да приђу једни другима било кога.
14:21 И кад Мојсије пружи руку своју над морем, Господ га је однео јаким горућим ветром, дува током целе ноћи, и претворио је у суву земљу. И вода се поделила.
14:22 И синови Израиљеви уђоше усред исушеног мора. Јер вода им беше као зид с десне и с леве стране.
14:23 И Египћани, гонећи их, ушао за њима, заједно са свим фараоновим коњима, његова кола и коњаници, кроз сред мора.
14:24 А сада је стигла јутарња стража, и гле, Господ, гледајући доле на логор Египћана кроз стуб од огња и од облака, побили своју војску.
14:25 И преврнуо је точкове кола, и однесени су у дубину. Стога, рекли су Египћани: „Хајде да бежимо из Израела. Јер се Господ бори у њихово име против нас.”
14:26 И рече Господ Мојсију: „Пружи руку преко мора, да би се воде вратиле на Египћане, над њиховим колима и коњаницима“.
14:27 И кад Мојсије пружи руку своју насупрот мору, враћено је, при првом светлу, на своје некадашње место. А Египћани који су бежали срели су се са водама, и Господ их потопи усред таласа.
14:28 И воде су враћене, и покривали су кола и коњанике целе фараонове војске, СЗО, у наставку, био ушао у море. И не толико да је један од њих остао жив.
14:29 Али Израелови синови су ишли право кроз сред исушеног мора, и воде им беше као зид с десна и с лева.
14:30 И тако је Господ тог дана ослободио Израиља из руке Египћана.
14:31 И видеше Египћане мртве на обали мора и велику руку коју је Господ показао против њих. И народ се бојао Господа, и повероваше у Господа и у Мојсија слугу његовог.

Екодус 15

15:1 Тада су Мојсије и синови Израиљеви певали ову песму Господу, и рекли су: „Појмо Господу, јер је славно увеличан: коња и јахача које је бацио у море.

Fourth Reading

Исаија 54: 5-14

54:5 For the One who made you will rule over you. The Lord of hosts is his name. And your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, will be called the God of all the earth.
54:6 For the Lord has called you, like a woman forsaken and mourning in spirit, and like a wife rejected in her youth, said your God.
54:7 For a brief moment, I have forsaken you, and with great pities, I will gather you.
54:8 In a moment of indignation, I have hidden my face from you, for a little while. But with everlasting mercy, I have taken pity on you, said your Redeemer, Господ.
54:9 For me, it is just as in the days of Noah, to whom I swore that I would no longer bring in the waters of Noah over the earth. Thus have I sworn not to be angry with you, and not to rebuke you.
54:10 For the mountains will be moved, and the hills will tremble. But my mercy will not depart from you, and the covenant of my peace will not be shaken, said the Lord, who has compassion on you.
54:11 O poor little ones, convulsed by the tempest, away from any consolation! Гле, I will set your stones in order, and I will lay your foundation with sapphires,
54:12 and I will make your ramparts out of jasper, and your gates out of sculpted stones, and all your borders out of desirable stones.
54:13 All your children will be taught by the Lord. And great will be the peace of your children.
54:14 And you will be founded in justice. Depart far from oppression, for you will not be afraid. And depart from terror, for it will not approach you.

Fifth Reading

Исаија 55: 1-11

55:1 All you who thirst, come to the waters. And you who have no money: hurry, buy and eat. Приступ, buy wine and milk, without money and without barter.
55:2 Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and expend your labor for what does not satisfy? Listen very closely to me, and eat what is good, and then your soul will be delighted by a full measure.
55:3 Incline your ear and draw near to me. Слушај, and your soul will live. And I will make an everlasting covenant with you, by the faithful mercies of David.
55:4 Гле, I have presented him as a witness to the people, as a commander and instructor to the nations.
55:5 Гле, you will call to a nation that you did not know. And nations that did not know you will rush to you, because of the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel. For he has glorified you.
55:6 Тражите Господа, while he is able to be found. Call upon him, while he is near.
55:7 Let the impious one abandon his way, and the iniquitous man his thoughts, and let him return to the Lord, and he will take pity on him, and to our God, for he is great in forgiveness.
55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways, говори Господ.
55:9 For just as the heavens are exalted above the earth, so also are my ways exalted above your ways, and my thoughts above your thoughts.
55:10 And in the same manner as rain and snow descend from heaven, and no longer return there, but soak the earth, and water it, and cause it to bloom and to provide seed to the sower and bread to the hungry,
55:11 so also will my word be, which will go forth from my mouth. It will not return to me empty, but it will accomplish whatever I will, and it will prosper in the tasks for which I sent it.

Sixth Reading

Барух 3: 9-15, 32- 4: 4

3:9 Слушај, Израел, to the commandments of life! Pay attention, so that you may learn prudence!
3:10 How is it, Израел, that you are in the land of your enemies,
3:11 that you have grown old in a foreign land, that you are defiled with the dead, that you are regarded as among those who are descending into hell?
3:12 You have forsaken the fountain of wisdom.
3:13 For if you had walked in the way of God, you would certainly have lived in everlasting peace.
3:14 Learn where prudence is, where virtue is, where understanding is, so that you may know at the same time where long life and prosperity are, where the light of the eyes and peace are.
3:15 Who has discovered its place? And who has entered its treasure chamber?
3:32 Yet he who knows the universe is familiar with her, and in his foresight he invented her, he who prepared the earth for time without end, and filled it with cattle and four-footed beasts,
3:33 who sends out the light, and it goes, and who summoned it, and it obeyed him in fear.
3:34 Yet the stars have given light from their posts, and they rejoiced.
3:35 They were called, and so they said, "Овде смо,” and they shined with cheerfulness to him who made them.
3:36 This is our God, and no other can compare to him.
3:37 He invented the way of all instruction, and delivered it to Jacob his child, and to Israel his beloved.
3:38 После овога, he was seen on earth, and he conversed with men.

Барух 4

4:1 “ ‘This is the book of the commandments of God and of the law, which exists in eternity. All those who keep it will attain to life, but those who have forsaken it, to death.
4:2 Convert, O Jacob, and embrace it, walk in the way of its splendor, facing its light.
4:3 Do not surrender your glory to another, nor your value to a foreign people.
4:4 We have been happy, Израел, because the things that are pleasing to God have been made clear to us.

Seventh Reading

Језекиљ 36: 16-28

36:16 And the word of the Lord came to me, говорећи:
36:17 “Son of man, the house of Israel lived on their own soil, and they defiled it with their ways and with their intentions. Their way, in my sight, became like the uncleanness of a menstruous woman.
36:18 And so I poured out my indignation upon them, because of the blood which they shed upon the land, and because they defiled it with their idols.
36:19 And I dispersed them among the Gentiles, and they have been scattered among the lands. I have judged them according to their ways and their plans.
36:20 And when they walked among the Gentiles, to whom they had entered, they defiled my holy name, though it was being said about them: ‘This is the people of the Lord,’ and ‘They went forth from his land.’
36:21 But I have spared my holy name, which the house of Israel has defiled among the Gentiles, to whom they entered.
36:22 Из тог разлога, you shall say to the house of Israel: Thus says the Lord God: I will act, not for your sake, O house of Israel, but for the sake of my holy name, which you have defiled among the Gentiles, to whom you entered.
36:23 And I will sanctify my great name, which was defiled among the Gentiles, which you have defiled in their midst. So may the Gentiles know that I am the Lord, говори Господ над војскама, when I will have been sanctified in you, before their eyes.
36:24 Сигурно, I will take you away from the Gentiles, and I will gather you together from all the lands, and I will lead you into your own land.
36:25 And I will pour clean water over you, and you shall be cleansed from all your filth, and I will cleanse you from all your idols.
36:26 And I will give to you a new heart, and I will place in you a new spirit. And I will take away the heart of stone from your body, and I will give to you a heart of flesh.
36:27 And I will place my Spirit in your midst. And I will act so that you may walk in my precepts and keep my judgments, and so that you may fulfill them.
36:28 And you shall live in the land that I gave to your fathers. And you shall be my people, и ја ћу бити твој Бог.


Saint Paul’s Letter to the Romans 6: 3-11

6:3 Do you not know that those of us who have been baptized in Christ Jesus have been baptized into his death?
6:4 For through baptism we have been buried with him into death, тако да, in the manner that Christ rose from the dead, by the glory of the Father, so may we also walk in the newness of life.
6:5 For if we have been planted together, in the likeness of his death, so shall we also be, in the likeness of his resurrection.
6:6 For we know this: that our former selves have been crucified together with him, so that the body which is of sin may be destroyed, and moreover, so that we may no longer serve sin.
6:7 For he who has died has been justified from sin.
6:8 Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live together with Christ.
6:9 For we know that Christ, in rising up from the dead, can no longer die: death no longer has dominion over him.
6:10 For in as much as he died for sin, he died once. But in as much as he lives, he lives for God.
6:11 И тако, you should consider yourselves to be certainly dead to sin, and to be living for God in Christ Jesus our Lord.


The Holy Gospel According to Luke 24: 1-12

24:1 Онда, on the first Sabbath, at very first light, отишли ​​су до гроба, carrying the aromatic spices that they had prepared.
24:2 And they found the stone rolled back from the tomb.
24:3 And upon entering, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.
24:4 И то се десило, while their minds were still confused about this, гле, two men stood beside them, in shining apparel.
24:5 Онда, since they were afraid and were turning their faces toward the ground, these two said to them: “Why do you seek the living with the dead?
24:6 Он није овде, for he has risen. Recall how he spoke to you, when he was still in Galilee,
24:7 говорећи: ‘For the Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and on the third day rise again.’ ”
24:8 And they called to mind his words.
24:9 And returning from the tomb, they reported all these things to the eleven, and to all the others.
24:10 Now it was Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary of James, and the other women who were with them, who told these things to the Apostles.
24:11 But these words seemed to them a delusion. And so they did not believe them.
24:12 But Peter, успон, ran to the tomb. And stooping down, he saw the linen cloths positioned alone, and he went away wondering to himself about what had happened.


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