јуна 2, 2015


На мало 2: 9- 14

9 But Tobit, fearing God more than the king, stole away the bodies of the slain and concealed them in his house, and in the middle of the night, he buried them.

2:10 But it happened one day, being tired from burying the dead, he came into his house, and he threw himself down next to the wall, и спавао је.

2:11 И, as he was sleeping, warm droppings from a swallow’s nest fell upon his eyes, and he was made blind.

2:12 And so the Lord permitted this trial to befall him, in order that an example might be given to posterity of his patience, which is even like that of holy Job.

2:13 За, even from his infancy, he had always feared God and kept his commandments, so he was not discouraged before God because of the scourge of blindness that had befallen him.

2:14 But he remained immoveable in the fear of God, giving thanks to God all the days of his life.


The Holy Gospel According to Mark 12: 13-17

12:13 И послаше к њему неке од фарисеја и иродијанаца, да би га уловили речима.
12:14 А они, стижући, рече му: „Учитељу, знамо да сте истинољубиви и да никоме не фаворизујете; јер не водите рачуна о изгледу људи, али ти поучаваш путу Божијем у истини. Да ли је дозвољено дати данак Цезару, или не треба да га дамо?”
12:15 И знајући њихову вештину у обмани, рече им: „Зашто ме тестираш? Донеси ми денар, па да то видим“.
12:16 И донели су му. И рече им, „Чија је ово слика и натпис?“ Рекли су му, "Цезаров."
12:17 Дакле као одговор, Исус им рече, „Онда предај Цезару, ствари које су Цезарове; и Богу, ствари које су од Бога“. И чудили су му се.



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