марта 7, 2023


Исаија 1: 10, 16-20

1:10 Слушајте Реч Господњу, ви вође народа Содоме. Слушајте пажљиво закон Бога нашег, О народе Гоморе.
1:16 Оперите, постати чист, скини с очију мојих злу намеру. Престаните да се понашате перверзно.
1:17 Научите да чините добро. Тражите пресуду, подржавају потлачене, судија за сироче, брани удовицу.
1:18 А онда приђите и оптужите ме, говори Господ. Онда, ако су ти греси као скерлет, постаће бели као снег; а ако су црвене као цинобој, постаће беле као вуна.
1:19 Ако сте вољни, а ти ме слушај, тада ћеш јести добра земље.
1:20 Али ако нисте вољни, а ти ме изазиваш на гнев, онда ће те мач прождрети. Јер уста Господња рекоше.


Маттхев 23: 1-12

23:1 Then Jesus spoke to the crowds, and to his disciples,

23:2 говорећи: “The scribes and the Pharisees have sat down in the chair of Moses.

23:3 Стога, all things whatsoever that they shall say to you, observe and do. Ипак заиста, do not choose to act according to their works. For they say, but they do not do.

23:4 For they bind up heavy and unbearable burdens, and they impose them on men’s shoulders. But they are not willing to move them with even a finger of their own.

23:5 Заиста, they do all their works so that they may be seen by men. For they enlarge their phylacteries and glorify their hems.

23:6 And they love the first places at feasts, и прве столице у синагогама,

23:7 и поздрав на пијаци, and to be called Master by men.

23:8 But you must not be called Master. For One is your Master, and you are all brothers.

23:9 And do not choose to call anyone on earth your father. For One is your Father, који је на небу.

23:10 Neither should you be called teachers. For One is your Teacher, the Christ.

23:11 Whoever is greater among you shall be your minister.

23:12 But whoever has exalted himself, shall be humbled. And whoever has humbled himself, shall be exalted.