June 22, 2015


Genesia 12: 1- 9

1:1 In the beginning, God created heaven and earth.

1:2 But the earth was empty and unoccupied, and darknesses were over the face of the abyss; and so the Spirit of God was brought over the waters.

1:3 And God said, “Let there be light.” And light became.

1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good; and so he divided the light from the darknesses.

1:5 And he called the light, ‘Day,’ and the darknesses, ‘Night.’ And it became evening and morning, one day.

1:6 God also said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide waters from waters.”

1:7 And God made a firmament, and he divided the waters that were under the firmament, from those that were above the firmament. And so it became.

1:8 And God called the firmament ‘Heaven.’ And it became evening and morning, the second day.

1:9 Truly God said: “Let the waters that are under heaven be gathered together into one place; and let the dry land appear.” And so it became.


Ebanjelio Santua Mateoren arabera 7: 1-5

7:1 «Ez epaitu, epaitu ez zaitezten.
7:2 Zeren edozein juiziorekin epaitzen duzuen, hala epaituko zaituzte; eta neurtzen duzun edozein neurrirekin, halaxe neurtuko zaituzte.
7:3 Eta nola ikusten duzu anaiaren begiko azala, eta ez ikusi taula zure begietan?
7:4 Edo nola esan diezaiokezu zure anaiari, «Utzidazu zure begitik zatitxoa kentzen,'bitartean, hara, taula bat zure begian dago?
7:5 Hipokrita, lehenik eta behin kendu taula zure begitik, eta orduan nahikoa argi ikusiko duzu anaiaren begitik eztila kentzeko.




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