August 2, 2014


The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah 26: 11-16, 24

26:11 And the priests and the prophets spoke to the leaders and to all the people, nyebutkeun: “A judgment of death is for this man. For he has prophesied against this city, just as you have heard with your own ears.”
26:12 And Jeremiah spoke to all the leaders and to the entire people, nyebutkeun: “The Lord has sent me to prophesy, about this house and about this city, all the words that you have heard.
26:13 Ayeuna, kituna, make your ways and your intentions good, and heed the voice of the Lord your God. And then the Lord will repent of the evil that he has spoken against you.
26:14 Tapi keur kuring, ningal, I am in your hands. Do to me what is good and right in your eyes.
26:15 Padahal sabenerna, know and understand this: if you kill me, you will be bringing innocent blood against yourselves, and against this city and its inhabitants. For in truth, the Lord sent me to you, so as to speak all these words in your hearing.”
26:16 And then the leaders and all the people said to the priests and to the prophets: “There is no judgment of death against this man. For he has spoken to us in the name of the Lord our God.”
26:24 But the hand of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, was with Jeremiah, so that he would not be delivered into the hands of the people, and so that they would not put him to death.


The Holy Gospel According to Matthew 14: 1-12

14:1 Dina waktos éta, Herodes raja karajaan ngadéngé warta ngeunaan Yesus.
14:2 Jeung cenah ka abdi-Na: “Ieu Yohanes Jurubaptis. Anjeunna geus gugah ti nu maraot, sareng éta sababna mujijat-mujijat dianggo dina anjeunna."
14:3 Pikeun Herodes geus apprehended Yohanes, sarta ngabeungkeut anjeunna, sarta nempatkeun anjeunna panjara, lantaran Herodias, pamajikan lanceukna.
14:4 Pikeun John ieu ngawartoskeun anjeunna, "Henteu halal pikeun anjeun gaduh anjeunna."
14:5 Jeung sanajan manéhna hayang maéhan manéhna, anjeunna sieun ka rahayat, sabab aranjeunna nganggap anjeunna janten nabi.
14:6 Saterusna, dina ulang taun Herodes, putri Herodias nari di tengah maranéhanana, sarta éta pleased Herodes.
14:7 Janten anjeunna jangji kalayan sumpah pikeun masihan naon waé anu bakal dipénta ti anjeunna.
14:8 Tapi, geus dipepelingan ku indungna, ceuk manehna, “Pasihan abdi ka dieu, dina piring, sirah Yohanes Jurubaptis."
14:9 Jeung raja éta greatly saddened. Tapi kusabab sumpahna, sarta alatan jalma anu diuk di méja kalayan anjeunna, anjeunna nitah masihan.
14:10 Sarta anjeunna dikirim jeung dipancung John di panjara.
14:11 Jeung sirah na dibawa dina platter a, sarta eta dibikeun ka mojang, terus dibawa ka indungna.
14:12 Jeung murid-murid ditilik jeung nyokot awak, sarta aranjeunna dikubur eta. Jeung anjog, aranjeunna dilaporkeun ka Yesus.


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