Désémber 27, 2014


The First Letter of John 1: 1-4

1:1 Anjeunna anu ti mimiti, saha urang geus uninga, saha urang geus katempo ku panon urang, kana saha urang geus gazed, sareng anu parantos dirampa ku panangan urang: Anjeunna teh Firman Kahirupan.
1:2 Sareng Kahirupan éta parantos diwujudkeun. Sarta kami geus katempo, sarta kami nyaksian, sarta kami ngumumkeun ka anjeun: Hirup Abadi, anu nyarengan Bapa, sareng anu nembongan ka urang.
1:3 Anjeunna saha urang geus katempo jeung uninga, kami ngumumkeun ka anjeun, ku kituna anjeun, oge, tiasa silaturahmi sareng urang, jeung ku kituna ukhuwah urang bisa jadi jeung Rama jeung jeung Putra-Na Yesus Kristus.
1:4 Sareng ieu kami nyerat ka anjeun, ambéh anjeun bagja, sarta ku kituna kabagjaan anjeun bisa pinuh.


Injil Suci Nurutkeun Yohanes 20: 1-8

20:1 Then on the first Sabbath, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and she saw that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb.
20:2 Ku kituna, she ran and went to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and she said to them, “They have taken the Lord away from the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him.”
20:3 Ku kituna, Peter departed with the other disciple, and they went to the tomb.
20:4 Now they both ran together, but the other disciple ran more quickly, ahead of Peter, and so he arrived at the tomb first.
20:5 And when he bowed down, he saw the linen cloths lying there, but he did not yet enter.
20:6 Then Simon Peter arrived, following him, and he entered the tomb, and he saw the linen cloths lying there,
20:7 and the separate cloth which had been over his head, not placed with the linen cloths, but in a separate place, wrapped up by itself.
20:8 Then the other disciple, who had arrived first at the tomb, also entered. And he saw and believed.



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