July 25, 2014


Second Corinthians 4: 7-15

4:7 Tapi urang nyekel harta ieu dina wadah earthen, supaya naon anu luhung bisa jadi tina kakawasaan Allah, sareng sanes urang.

4:8 Dina sagala hal, urang endure tribulation, acan urang teu anguish. Urang kaampeuh, can we teu kaci.

4:9 Urang ngalaman kasusah, can we can ditinggalkeun. Urang dialungkeun ka handap, can we teu binasa.

4:10 Urang kantos mawa sabudeureun mortification Yesus dina awak urang, ku kituna hirup Yesus ogé bisa manifested dina awak urang.

4:11 Pikeun urang anu hirup anu kantos dipasrahkeun kana maot demi Yesus, ku kituna hirup Yesus ogé bisa manifested dina daging fana urang.

4:12 Ku kituna, maot aya dina karya di urang, sareng hirup damel di anjeun.

4:13 Tapi urang boga Roh iman sarua. Jeung sagampil eta ditulis, “Kuring percaya, jeung alesan nu kuring spoke,” kitu urang ogé percaya, jeung alesan éta, urang ogé nyarita.

4:14 Pikeun urang terang yén Anu ngangkat Yesus bakal ngangkat urang ogé sareng Yesus sareng bakal nempatkeun urang sareng anjeun.

4:15 Ku kituna, sadayana kanggo anjeun, ku kituna rahmat, abounding ngaliwatan loba di sukur, mugia maparin kamulyaan Gusti.

The Holy Gospel According to Matthew 20: 20-28

20:20 Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee approached him, with her sons, adoring him, and petitioning something from him.
20:21 Jeung cenah ka dirina, "Naon anu anjeun pikahoyong?” She said to him, “Declare that these, my two sons, may sit, one at your right hand, and the other at your left, in your kingdom.”
20:22 Tapi Yesus, responding, ceuk: "Anjeun henteu terang naon anu anjeun naroskeun. Are you able to drink from the chalice, from which I will drink?” Ceuk maranehna ka manehna, “We are able.”
20:23 Ceuk maranehna: “From my chalice, leres pisan, you shall drink. But to sit at my right or my left is not mine to give to you, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.”
20:24 Jeung sapuluh, sanggeus ngadéngé ieu, became indignant with the two brothers.
20:25 But Jesus called them to himself and said: “You know that the first ones among the Gentiles are their rulers, and that those who are greater exercise power among them.
20:26 It shall not be this way among you. But whoever will want to be greater among you, let him be your minister.
20:27 And whoever will want to be first among you, he shall be your servant,
20:28 even as the Son of man has not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a redemption for many.”


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