Maret 24, 2013, Injil

The Passion of Jesus Christ According to Luke 22: 14-23: 56

22:14 And when the hour had arrived, he sat down at table, and the twelve Apostles with him.
22:15 Jeung cenah ka aranjeunna: “With longing have I desired to eat this Passover with you, before I suffer.
22:16 Pikeun kuring nyebutkeun ka anjeun, that from this time, I will not eat it, until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.”
22:17 And having taken the chalice, he gave thanks, sarta cenah: “Take this and share it among yourselves.
22:18 Pikeun kuring nyebutkeun ka anjeun, that I will not drink from the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God arrives.”
22:19 And taking bread, he gave thanks and broke it and gave it to them, nyebutkeun: “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this as a commemoration of me.”
22:20 Nya kitu oge, he took the chalice, after he had eaten the meal, nyebutkeun: “This chalice is the new covenant in my blood, which will be shed for you.
22:21 But in truth, ningal, the hand of my betrayer is with me at table.
22:22 Jeung memang, the Son of man goes according to what has been determined. Jeung can, woe to that man by whom he will be betrayed.”
22:23 And they began to inquire among themselves, as to which of them might do this.
22:24 Now there was also a contention among them, as to which of them seemed to be the greater.
22:25 Jeung cenah ka aranjeunna: “The kings of the Gentiles dominate them; and those who hold authority over them are called beneficent.
22:26 But it must not be so with you. Gantina, whoever is greater among you, let him become the lesser. And whoever is the leader, let him become the server.
22:27 For who is greater: he who sits at table, or he who serves? Is not he who sits at table? Yet I am in your midst as one who serves.
22:28 But you are those who have remained with me during my trials.
22:29 And I dispose to you, just as my Father has disposed to me, a kingdom,
22:30 so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and so that you may sit upon thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”
22:31 Jeung Gusti ngadawuh: “Simon, Simon! Lah, Satan has asked for you, so that he may sift you like wheat.
22:32 But I have prayed for you, so that your faith may not fail, and so that you, once converted, may confirm your brothers.”
22:33 Jeung cenah manéhna, “Gusti, I am prepared to go with you, even to prison and to death.”
22:34 Jeung cenah, “I say to you, Peter, the rooster will not crow this day, until you have three times denied that you know me.” And he said to them,
22:35 “When I sent you without money or provisions or shoes, did you lack anything?”
22:36 Jeung ceuk maranehna, “Nothing.” Then he said to them: “But now, let whoever has money take it, and likewise with provisions. And whoever does not have these, let him sell his coat and buy a sword.
22:37 Pikeun kuring nyebutkeun ka anjeun, that what has been written must still be fulfilled in me: ‘And he was esteemed with the wicked.’ Yet even these things about me have an end.”
22:38 Kitu ceuk maranehna, “Gusti, ningal, there are two swords here.” But he said to them, “It is sufficient.”
22:39 Jeung departing, he went out, according to his custom, to the Mount of Olives. And his disciples also followed him.
22:40 And when he had arrived at the place, ceuk maranehna: “Pray, lest you enter into temptation.”
22:41 And he was separated from them by about a stone’s throw. And kneeling down, he prayed,
22:42 nyebutkeun: "Bapa, if you are willing, take this chalice away from me. Padahal sabenerna, let not my will, but yours, be done.”
22:43 Then an Angel appeared to him from heaven, strengthening him. And being in agony, he prayed more intensely;
22:44 and so his sweat became like drops of blood, running down to the ground.
22:45 And when he had risen up from prayer and had gone to his disciples, he found them sleeping out of sorrow.
22:46 Jeung cenah ka aranjeunna: “Why are you sleeping? Bangun, pray, lest you enter into temptation.”
22:47 Bari nyarita kénéh, ningal, a crowd arrived. And he who is called Judas, one of the twelve, went ahead of them and approached Jesus, in order to kiss him.
22:48 Jeung Yesus ceuk manéhna, “Judas, do you betray the Son of man with a kiss?”
22:49 Then those who were around him, realizing what was about to happen, ceuk manéhna: “Gusti, shall we strike with the sword?”
22:50 And one of them struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his right ear.
22:51 Tapi dina respon, ceuk Yesus, “Permit even this.” And when he had touched his ear, he healed him.
22:52 Then Jesus said to the leaders of the priests, and the magistrates of the temple, jeung para sesepuh, anu geus datang ka manéhna: “Have you gone out, as if against a thief, with swords and clubs?
22:53 When I was with you each day in the temple, you did not extend your hands against me. But this is your hour and that of the power of darkness.”
22:54 Jeung nangkep manéhna, they led him to the house of the high priest. Padahal sabenerna, Peter followed at a distance.
22:55 Now as they were sitting around a fire, which had been kindled in the middle of the atrium, Peter was in their midst.
22:56 And when a certain woman servant had seen him sitting in its light, and had looked at him intently, ceuk manehna, “This one was also with him.”
22:57 But he denied him by saying, “Awéwé, I do not know him.”
22:58 And after a little while, another one, ningali manehna, ceuk, “You also are one of them.” Yet Peter said, “O man, I am not.”
22:59 And after the interval of about one hour had passed, someone else affirmed it, nyebutkeun: "Sabenerna, this one also was with him. For he is also a Galilean.”
22:60 Jeung Peter ceuk: “Man, I do not know what you are saying.” And at once, while he was still speaking, the rooster crowed.
22:61 And the Lord turned around and looked at Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord that he had said: “For before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.”
22:62 Jeung bade kaluar, Peter wept bitterly.
22:63 And the men who were holding him ridiculed him and beat him.
22:64 And they blindfolded him and repeatedly struck his face. Jeung maranéhna questioned anjeunna, nyebutkeun: “Prophesy! Who is it that struck you?”
22:65 And blaspheming in many other ways, they spoke against him.
22:66 And when it was daytime, the elders of the people, and the leaders of the priests, and the scribes convened. And they led him into their council, nyebutkeun, "Lamun anjeun Kristus, tell us.”
22:67 Jeung cenah ka aranjeunna: “If I tell you, you will not believe me.
22:68 And if I also question you, you will not answer me. Neither will you release me.
22:69 But from this time, the Son of man will be sitting at the right hand of the power of God.”
22:70 Then they all said, “So you are the Son of God?” Jeung cenah. “You are saying that I am.”
22:71 Jeung ceuk maranehna: “Why do we still require testimony? For we have heard it ourselves, from his own mouth.”

23:1 Jeung sakabéh multitude di antarana, gugah, dibawa ka Pilatus.
23:2 Saterusna maranéhanana mimitian nuduh manéhna, nyebutkeun, "Kami mendakan ieu ngarusak bangsa urang, jeung prohibiting méré upeti ka Caesar, jeung nyebutkeun yen Anjeunna teh Kristus raja."
23:3 Pilatus naroskeun ka Anjeunna, nyebutkeun: “Anjeun teh raja urang Yahudi?” Tapi ngabales, cenah: "Anjeun nyarios éta."
23:4 Pilatus ngadawuh ka para pamingpin imam jeung ka jalma rea, "Kuring henteu mendakan kasus ngalawan lalaki ieu."
23:5 Tapi maranehna terus leuwih intensely, nyebutkeun: "Anjeunna parantos ngaganggu jalma-jalma, ngajar di sakuliah Yudea, dimimitian ti Galilea, komo ka ieu tempat.”
23:6 Tapi Pilatus, ngadéngé Galiléa, ditanya naha éta lalaki urang Galilea.
23:7 Sareng nalika anjeunna sadar yén anjeunna aya dina yurisdiksi Herodes, Anjeunna dikirim ka Herodes, Anu sorangan oge di Yerusalem dina mangsa éta.
23:8 Lajeng Herodes, nalika ningali Yesus, éta pisan bungah. Kusabab anjeunna geus lila hayang ningali manehna, sabab anjeunna parantos ngadangu seueur hal ngeunaan anjeunna, sarta anjeunna hoping ningali sababaraha jenis tanda tempa ku anjeunna.
23:9 Lajeng anjeunna questioned anjeunna kalawan loba kecap. Tapi anjeunna henteu masihan jawaban pisan.
23:10 Jeung pamingpin para imam, jeung ahli Taurat, nangtung teguh dina persistently tuduh anjeunna.
23:11 Lajeng Herodes, jeung prajuritna, scorned anjeunna. Sarta anjeunna ridiculed anjeunna, papakéan manéhna ku pakéan bodas. Sarta anjeunna dikirim anjeunna deui ka Pilatus.
23:12 Jeung Herodes jeung Pilatus jadi babaturan dina poé éta. Pikeun samemehna maranéhanana éta musuh hiji sarua séjén.
23:13 Jeung Pilatus, manggil para pamingpin para imam, jeung hakim, jeung rahayat,
23:14 ceuk maranehna: "Anjeun geus dibawa saméméh kuring lalaki ieu, salaku jalma anu ngaganggu jalma. Jeung behold, sanggeus questioned anjeunna saméméh anjeun, Abdi henteu mendakan kasus ngalawan lalaki ieu, dina hal-hal anu anjeun tuduhkeun ka anjeunna.
23:15 Sareng Herodes ogé. Pikeun kuring dikirim anjeun sadayana ka anjeunna, jeung behold, Teu aya anu kacatet ngeunaan anjeunna anu pantes maot.
23:16 Ku kituna, Kuring bakal ngahukum anjeunna sareng ngaleupaskeun anjeunna."
23:17 Ayeuna anjeunna diwajibkeun ngaleupaskeun hiji jalma pikeun aranjeunna dina dinten pesta.
23:18 Tapi sakabéh riungan exclaimed babarengan, nyebutkeun: “Candak ieu, jeung leupaskeun Barabas ka urang!”
23:19 Ayeuna anjeunna geus dialungkeun ka panjara kusabab hiji sedition tangtu anu lumangsung di kota jeung pikeun rajapati.
23:20 Teras Pilatus nyarios deui ka aranjeunna, hayang ngaleupaskeun Yesus.
23:21 Tapi aranjeunna ngagorowok salaku jawaban, nyebutkeun: “Salibkeun manéhna! Salib manéhna!”
23:22 Lajeng anjeunna nyarios ka aranjeunna katilu kalina: “Naha? Naon jahat anu anjeunna lakukeun? Kuring teu manggihan kasus ngalawan anjeunna maot. Ku kituna, Kuring bakal ngahukum anjeunna sareng ngaleupaskeun anjeunna."
23:23 Tapi maranéhna keukeuh, kalawan sora nyaring, dina nungtut anjeunna disalib. Jeung sora maranéhanana ngaronjat dina inténsitas.
23:24 Ku kituna Pilatus ngaluarkeun judgment granting petisi maranéhanana.
23:25 Lajeng anjeunna ngaleupaskeun pikeun aranjeunna hiji anu geus dialungkeun kana panjara pikeun rajapati jeung sedition, saha aranjeunna requesting. Padahal sabenerna, Yesus anjeunna dibikeun ka bakal maranéhanana.
23:26 Sareng nalika aranjeunna nuju ngajauhan anjeunna, aranjeunna nyekel hiji tangtu, Simon urang Kirene, bari mulang ti padésan. Jeung maranéhna maksakeun cross on manéhna mawa sanggeus Yesus.
23:27 Geus kitu loba jalma-jalma nurut ka Anjeunna, jeung awéwé-awéwé anu keur sedih jeung lamenting anjeunna.
23:28 Tapi Yesus, ngalieuk ka aranjeunna, ceuk: "Putri Yerusalem, ulah ceurik ka kuring. Gantina, ceurik pikeun diri sorangan jeung anak anjeun.
23:29 Pikeun behold, poé bakal anjog nu maranéhna bakal nyebutkeun, ‘Bagja nu mandul, jeung rahim nu teu ditanggung, jeung payu nu teu disusuan.’
23:30 Saterusna maranéhanana baris dimimitian ngomong ka gunung, 'Gubrak urang,' jeung ka pagunungan, 'Tutupan kami.'
23:31 Pikeun lamun maranehna ngalakukeun hal ieu jeung kai héjo, naon anu bakal dilakukeun ku garing?”
23:32 Ayeuna aranjeunna ogé dipingpin kaluar dua penjahat sejen kalawan anjeunna, dina raraga ngaéksekusi aranjeunna.
23:33 Jeung nalika aranjeunna anjog ka tempat anu disebut Calvary, Anjeunna disalib di dinya, jeung garong, hiji ka katuhu jeung hiji deui ka kenca.
23:34 Lajeng Isa ngadawuh, "Bapa, hampura aranjeunna. Pikeun aranjeunna henteu terang naon anu aranjeunna lakukeun. Jeung sabenerna, ngabagi-bagi bajuna, aranjeunna tuang kavling.
23:35 Jeung jalma nangtung deukeut, lalajo. Jeung pamingpin diantara aranjeunna derided anjeunna, nyebutkeun: "Anjeunna nyalametkeun batur. Hayu anjeunna nyalametkeun dirina, upami ieu Kristus, umat pilihan Allah.”
23:36 Jeung prajurit ogé ridiculed anjeunna, ngadeukeutan anjeunna sareng nawiskeun anjeunna cuka,
23:37 jeung nyebutkeun, "Lamun anjeun raja urang Yahudi, nyalametkeun diri.”
23:38 Ayeuna aya ogé hiji prasasti ditulis leuwih anjeunna dina hurup Yunani, jeung Latin, jeung Ibrani: Ieu Raja urang Yahudi.
23:39 Sarta salah sahiji jalma garong anu gantung blasphemed anjeunna, nyebutkeun, "Lamun anjeun Kristus, nyalametkeun diri jeung urang.”
23:40 Tapi nu lian ngabales ku nyampeurkeun, nyebutkeun: “Naha anjeun teu sieun ku Allah, saprak anjeun dina panghukuman sarua?
23:41 Jeung memang, éta ngan pikeun urang. Pikeun urang narima naon amal urang pantes. Tapi sabenerna, ieu teu ngalakukeun nanaon salah. "
23:42 Jeung cenah ka Yesus, “Gusti, Inget ka Kami nalika anjeun sumping ka karajaan anjeun."
23:43 Jeung Yesus ceuk manéhna, "Amin kuring nyarios ka anjeun, poe ieu maneh bakal babarengan jeung Kami di Pirdaus.”
23:44 Ayeuna geus ampir jam genep, sarta gelap lumangsung leuwih sakuliah bumi, nepi ka jam kasalapan.
23:45 Jeung panonpoé ieu obscured. Jeung jilbab candi ieu torn handap tengah.
23:46 Jeung Yesus, ceurik kaluar kalawan sora nyaring, ceuk: "Bapa, kana panangan anjeun abdi muji sumanget abdi." Sareng nalika nyarios ieu, anjeunna kadaluwarsa.
23:47 Ayeuna, perwira, ningali naon anu lumangsung, dimulyakeun Allah, nyebutkeun, "Sabenerna, ieu lalaki teh Adil.”
23:48 Jeung sakabéh riungan jalma anu ngumpul ningali tontonan ieu ogé nempo naon anu lumangsung, sarta maranéhanana balik, neunggeul dadana.
23:49 Ayeuna sadayana anu terang anjeunna, jeung awéwé-awéwé anu nuturkeun Anjeunna ti Galilea, anu nangtung di kajauhan, ningali hal-hal ieu.
23:50 Jeung behold, aya hiji lalaki ngaranna Yusup, anu jadi anggota déwan, lalaki alus tur adil,
23:51 (pikeun anjeunna teu consented kana kaputusan maranéhanana atawa lampah maranéhanana). Anjeunna ti Arimatea, hiji kota Yudea. Jeung manéhna sorangan ogé antisipasi Karajaan Allah.
23:52 Ieu lalaki ngadeukeutan Pilatus sarta petitioned pikeun layon Yesus.
23:53 Sareng nyandak anjeunna ka handap, Anjeunna dibungkus ku lawon linen alus, sarta anjeunna nempatkeun anjeunna dina kuburan diasah tina batu, di mana teu saurang ogé kungsi disimpen.
23:54 Jeung éta poé Persiapan, jeung Sabat geus ngadeukeutan.
23:55 Ayeuna awéwé anu sumping sareng anjeunna ti Galilea, ku nuturkeun, ningal kuburan sareng cara nempatkeun awakna.
23:56 Jeung nalika balik, aranjeunna nyiapkeun rempah aromatik jeung ointments. Tapi dina Sabat, leres pisan, aranjeunna beristirahat, nurutkeun parentah.


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