Disember 29, 2013, Bacaan Pertama

Sirach 3: 2-6

3:2 Anak lelaki, dengarlah keputusan ayahmu, dan bertindak sewajarnya, supaya kamu diselamatkan.

3:3 Kerana Allah telah memuliakan bapa di antara anak-anak lelaki, dan, when seeking the judgment of the mother, he has confirmed it in the children.

3:4 He who loves God will plead with him on behalf of sins, and will keep himself away from sin, and will be heeded in the prayers of his days.

3:5 Dan, like one who stores up treasure, so also is he who honors his mother.

3:6 He who honors his father will find happiness in his own children, and he will be heeded in the day of his prayer.


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