svibanj 17, 2013, Čitanje

The Acts of the Apostles 25: 13-21

25:13 And when some days had passed, king Agrippa and Bernice descended to Caesarea, to greet Festus.
25:14 And since they remained there for many days, Festus spoke to the king about Paul, izreka: “A certain man was left behind as a prisoner by Felix.
25:15 When I was at Jerusalem, the leaders of the priests and the elders of the Jews came to me about him, asking for condemnation against him.
25:16 I answered them that it is not the custom of the Romans to condemn any man, before he who is being accused has been confronted by his accusers and has received the opportunity to defend himself, so as to clear himself of the charges.
25:17 Stoga, when they had arrived here, without any delay, sljedećeg dana, sitting in the judgment seat, I ordered the man to be brought.
25:18 But when the accusers had stood up, nisu o njemu iznijeli nikakvu optužbu iz koje bih slutio zlo.
25:19 Umjesto toga, iznijeli su protiv njega određene rasprave o vlastitom praznovjerju io izvjesnom Isusu, koji je bio umro, ali za kojeg je Pavao ustvrdio da je živ.
25:20 Stoga, sumnjajući u ovakvu vrstu pitanja, Pitao sam ga želi li ići u Jeruzalem i tamo mu se suditi o tim stvarima.
25:21 No budući da je Pavao apelirao da ga zadrže radi odluke pred Augustom, Naredio sam da ga čuvaju, dok ga ne pošaljem Cezaru.


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