tetor 17, 2012, Leximi

The Letter of Saint Paul to the Galatians 5: 18-25

5:18 Por nëse ju udhëhiqeni nga Fryma, ju nuk jeni nën ligj.
5:19 Tani veprat e mishit janë të dukshme; ata janë: kurvëria, epshi, homoseksualiteti, vetëkënaqësi,
5:20 shërbimi i idhujve, përdorimi i drogës, armiqësi, mosmarrëveshje, xhelozia, zemërim, grindjet, mosmarrëveshjet, ndarjet,
5:21 zili, vrasje, dehje, carousing, and similar things. About these things, I continue to preach to you, as I have preached to you: that those who act in this way shall not obtain the kingdom of God.
5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, forbearance,
5:23 meekness, besimin, modesty, abstinence, chastity. There is no law against such things.
5:24 For those who are Christ’s have crucified their flesh, along with its vices and desires.
5:25 If we live by the Spirit, we should also walk by the Spirit.


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