Aprile 7, 2024

Divine Mercy Sunday

Prima Lettura

The Acts of the Apostles 4: 32-37

4:32Then the multitude of believers were of one heart and one soul. Neither did anyone say that any of the things that he possessed were his own, but all things were common to them.
4:33And with great power, the Apostles were rendering testimony to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord. And great grace was in them all.
4:34And neither was anyone among them in need. For as many as were owners of fields or houses, selling these, were bringing the proceeds of the things that they were selling,
4:35and were placing it before the feet of the Apostles. Then it was divided to each one, just as he had need.
4:36Now Joseph, who the Apostles surnamed Barnabas (which is translated as ‘son of consolation’), who was a Levite of Cyprian descent,
4:37since he had land, he sold it, and he brought the proceeds and placed these at the feet of the Apostles.

Siconda Lettura

First John 5: 1- 6

5:1Tutti quelli chì crede chì Ghjesù hè u Cristu, hè natu di Diu. È tutti quelli chì amanu Diu, chì furnisce quella nascita, ama ancu quellu chì hè natu da Diu.
5:2In questu modu, sapemu chì amemu quelli nati da Diu: quandu avemu amu à Diu è fà i so cumandamenti.
5:3Perchè questu hè l'amore di Diu: chì guardemu i so cumandamenti. È i so cumandamenti ùn sò micca pesanti.
5:4Perchè tuttu ciò chì hè natu di Diu vince u mondu. È questu hè a vittoria chì vince u mondu: a nostra fede.
5:5Quale hè quellu chì vince u mondu? Solu quellu chì crede chì Ghjesù hè u Figliolu di Diu!
5:6Questu hè quellu chì hè ghjuntu per acqua è sangue: Ghjesù Cristu. Ùn solu per l'acqua, ma per acqua è sangue. È u Spìritu hè quellu chì tistimunieghja chì u Cristu hè a Verità.


Ghjuvanni 20: 19- 31

20:19Allora, when it was late on the same day, on the first of the Sabbaths, and the doors were closed where the disciples were gathered, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst, è li disse: “Peace to you.”
20:20È quandu avia dettu questu, he showed them his hands and side. And the disciples were gladdened when they saw the Lord.
20:21Dunque, he said to them again: “Peace to you. Cum'è u Babbu m'hà mandatu, so I send you.”
20:22When he had said this, he breathed on them. È li disse: "Ricevi u Spìritu Santu.
20:23Those whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them, and those whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.”
20:24Now Thomas, one of the twelve, chì si chjama u Twin, was not with them when Jesus arrived.
20:25Dunque, the other disciples said to him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I will see in his hands the mark of the nails and place my finger into the place of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will not believe.”
20:26And after eight days, again his disciples were within, and Thomas was with them. Jesus arrived, though the doors had been closed, and he stood in their midst and said, “Peace to you.”
20:27Dopu, he said to Thomas: “Look at my hands, and place your finger here; and bring your hand close, and place it at my side. And do not choose to be unbelieving, but faithful.”
20:28Thomas responded and said to him, “My Lord and my God.”
20:29Ghjesù li disse: “You have seen me, Thomas, so you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
20:30Jesus also accomplished many other signs in the sight of his disciples. These have not been written in this book.
20:31But these things have been written, so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, è cusì chì, in believing, you may have life in his name.