Dicembre 15, 2012, Vangelu

U Santu Vangelu secondu Matteu 17: 9-13

17:9 Et comme ils descendaient de la montagne, Ghjesù li hà struitu, dicendu, "Ùn dì à nimu di a visione, finu à chì u Figliolu di l'omu hè risuscitatu da i morti ".
17:10 And his disciples questioned him, dicendu, “Why then do the scribes say that it is necessary for Elijah to arrive first?"
17:11 Ma in risposta, li disse: "Elia, veramente, shall arrive and restore all things.
17:12 Ma ti dicu, that Elijah has already arrived, and they did not recognize him, but they did whatever they wanted to him. So also shall the Son of man suffer from them.”
17:13 Then the disciples understood that he had spoken to them about John the Baptist.


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